Dumb fraudulent whiplash claimant caught in the act

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I read & listened to a funny story on the BBC News Website last night and thought I should give my tuppence worth on the story.

John Machin from Leeds has become the first person to be convicted for insurance fraud by the following the setting-up of the Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department (IFED) in January 2012, a specialist police unit entirely funded by the insurance industry.

Have a listen to the story on the BBC News Website it makes for hilarious listening.  The guy is clearly an idiot, he thinks he has finished the call to the insurers but hasn’t hung up the phone.  He then gets off the phone and starts bragging to his friends about how easy it has been and how rich he will be!  He even states that he’ll never have to work again!

He clearly doesn’t know much about whiplash claims and how they are valued.  It is rare to get a particularly large whiplash settlement, indeed, any such whiplash settlement is very unlikely to see you never having to work again – as this idiot states!  Also, he hasn’t got the gumption to realise that insurers record calls and investigate claims before paying out – and rightly so!

We’re pleased that this idiot has been convicted and hope that it puts others off of being so stupid!  Fraud hurts us all and needs to be stamped out.

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