Slips, Trips and Falls Compensation Claims

In the aftermath of a slip, trip, or fall accident, you may wonder if you’re eligible to make a compensation claim. Being injured doesn’t necessarily mean you have a valid claim – here we will help you to understand whether or not you should proceed with claiming compensation.

Ian Morris, Claims Expert

Chat with claims expert Ian Morris to see if you can claim injury compensation after a slip, trip or fall.

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    Can I claim injury compensation after a slip, trip or fall?

    In the UK, you can make a personal injury claim if you were injured due to a slip, trip, or fall that was caused by someone else’s negligence, usually as a result of breaking health and safety rules. The accident could have happened in a variety of locations such as in a shop, at work, on a pavement, or in public places like pubs and restaurants. You could also potentially claim against a local council for falls due to uneven paths or potholes.

    If an organisation fails to minimise the risk of injury on their premises, for example, by not repairing defects, cleaning up a spillage, erecting a hazard warning sign, or removing a hazardous obstruction, they can be found liable to compensate the injured party. All have a responsibility to ensure people’s safety under the Occupier’s Liability Act 1957.

    The questions raised about slip, trip and fall claims will further help you to understand the wide range of scenarios involved.

    Our slip and trip solicitors can help you to claim no win no fee compensation to ease some of the problems you’ll face after an injury, with a settlement that can include the recovery of lost wages, expenses and private rehabilitation therapies.

    The criteria for having a valid claim

    Simply being injured doesn’t mean you are eligible to claim personal injury compensation, you have to meet some criteria for a claim to be valid. Here’s what you need to know.

    Establishing Liability

    The fundamental basis for a successful slip, trip, or fall claim is to establish that a third party was responsible for your accident. This could be a business owner, an employer, or a local authority, among others. If they failed to uphold their duty of care to you — for example, by not cleaning up a spillage, repairing a defect, or adequately signposting a hazard — they may be found liable for your injuries.

    Adverse weather conditions, poor lighting and unexpected obstacles can all have a role to play in such claims, but often the accident is ultimately due to negligence. However, if the accident was entirely your fault, you would typically not have a valid claim.

    Severity and Impact of the Injury

    The injury suffered needs to be serious enough to warrant a compensation claim. Minor scrapes or bruises may not qualify. If the injury has had a significant impact on your life — for example, if it has led to loss of earnings, required medical treatment, or caused ongoing pain and suffering — then it may meet the criteria for a claim.

    Time Limits

    In most cases, a personal injury claim must be initiated within three years of the accident. This time limit is essential, and failing to adhere to it can result in your claim being dismissed, regardless of its validity. There are, however, exceptions for individuals who were minors at the time of the accident, or for those who were unable to make a claim due to mental incapacity.


    Having strong evidence to support your claim can greatly increase your chances of success. This can include photographs of the accident scene, medical records of your injuries, witness statements, and any incident reports filed at the time of the accident.

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    Understanding liability in slip, trip, and fall accidents

    Establishing liability is a key aspect in any slip, trip, or fall compensation claim. But what exactly does it mean and how is it determined? Here’s a closer look at understanding liability in these types of accidents.

    What is Liability?

    In the context of a slip, trip, or fall accident, liability refers to the responsibility for the accident and the resulting injuries. If a third party — an individual, a business, a local council, or another entity — failed to take reasonable steps to prevent the accident, they could be held liable for any injuries that occurred as a result.

    Duty of Care

    Entities such as business owners, employers, and local authorities have a legal obligation, or ‘duty of care,’ to ensure the safety of individuals on their premises. This includes regular maintenance, prompt clean-up of spillages, adequate signage for potential hazards, and ensuring all health and safety regulations are adhered to. If this duty of care is breached, and an accident occurs as a result, they could be found liable.

    Proving Liability

    Proving liability can sometimes be a complex process. It involves demonstrating that the third party was negligent and that their negligence directly led to the accident. Evidence, such as photographs of the hazard, witness statements, accident reports, and medical records, can help establish liability.

    Shared Liability

    In some cases, liability may not be entirely clear-cut. There may be situations where both parties share some degree of responsibility for the accident, a concept known as ‘contributory negligence’, or ‘split liability‘. For example, if you tripped over a clearly signposted hazard, you may be deemed partially responsible. However, you could still make a claim, although any compensation awarded may be reduced proportionately.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Start your slip, trip or fall claim with us

    You can start your claim online or , and one of our expert team will be in touch. Alternatively, call us on 01225 430285. We’ll only need a few minutes of your time to let you know if you can make a claim. If you decide to go ahead we’ll connect you with our specialist slip and trip solicitors who have a proven track record of success.

    With over 20 years’ experience, you can use our knowledge and expertise to get your claim off to the best start. There is no charge for assessing your case, so you have nothing to lose and much to gain if you can make a successful claim.

    We’ve helped many clients win compensation after a fall, including:

    • A lady who tripped over a raised paving stone caused by a tree root growing under the surface of pavement, sustaining a broken arm.
    • A mother of 3 who slipped on water that had leaked from a broken freezer unit in a supermarket, causing a dislocated knee.
    • A man who fell in a large pothole in a cul-de-sac, fracturing his ankle.
    • A worker who slipped on oil leaking from a faulty forklift truck, breaking his leg in the process.

    Importantly, claims are made on a No Win No Fee basis, so you pay nothing if your claim fails.

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    Latest questions

    • Asked on: Slip, Trip and Falls Compensation Claims – Your Questions Answered

      Question: I went out on a night out and we caught an Uber Taxi to get home, first passenger was dropped off and second passenger was second drop off. Four minutes after the first passenger was dropped off the second passenger vomited in the car, despite paying for the taxi fare and cleanup the taxi driver terminated the ride at 1.36am leaving the second passenger on his own under the influence of alcohol and having a heart condition and diabetic. Leaving the passenger stranded the passenger fell and injured his face hands and legs. Is the taxi driver liable for the injury leaving the second passenger stranded 8 miles from home in the rain and own his own. He had to catch another taxi when he found a 24 hour petrol station where the cashier helped him order another Uber taxi which got him home. Passenger has legal expenses cover but the panel soliton says the claim does not meet the 51% threshold to pay legal fees.
      • Answer: Although nobody could argue that the taxi driver could have and morally should have provided a better service, the prospects of succeeding with a claim for personal injury on the grounds of negligence by the taxi driver are almost non-existent. Whilst the taxi driver didn't provide a great service, it is impossible to establish that they have breached duty and therefore could be legally responsible for negligence in terms of the injuries your friend sustained when they later fell over. The courts would argue that your friend lost control of their actions through drinking too much and the taxi driver is not responsible for that.
    • Asked on: Slip, Trip and Falls Compensation Claims – Your Questions Answered

      Question: Hi, I rent privately, and when I moved in 2 and a half years ago, there was a wooden door stopper already there, to use to keep the kitchen door open because it’s very heavy. At night, I tend to shut the kitchen door tight. Last week, I woke about midnight, and went into the kitchen to get a water from my fridge. I turned the light on first, but then I stood on the wooden door stopper, and it slid on the hard tiles, and my head hit the radiator. I ended up with 16 stitches on my head and a massive, swollen black eye. Am I able to make a claim off my landlord for my severe injuries?
      • Answer: Is the wooden door stopper secured to the floor or movable? If the door stopper is secured to the floor and maybe considered to be a tripping hazard, we might be able to assist you with a claim.If you can provide photographs of the door stopper, please email them to us at along with your contact number and we'll review this matter and advise further.
    Chat with us for friendly, expert advice 01225 430285