How to Claim Injury Compensation for Hit & Run or Uninsured Driver Accidents

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If you’ve been injured in a road accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you’re fully entitled to make a claim for compensation. But what if an illegal driver crashes in to you and either doesn’t have insurance, or speeds off before you have the chance to get their registration number? How can you still claim compensation?

In the case of a hit and run or uninsured driver causing an accident, there is no insurer to claim from. Most people assume you can do nothing and will have to claim against their own comprehensive insurance for the damage to their vehicle. If you have comprehensive cover, you can do this, but you will probably lose your excess and certainly can’t claim for injuries.

Luckily, there is a body set up to provide access to compensation for just this incident, allowing to make a hit and run claim. They are the not-so-well known ‘Motor Insurers Bureau‘ or MIB.

Key Takeaways

  • Report the accident to the police as soon as possible.
  • Gather evidence if you can, including photos, witness contact details, and the location and time of the accident.
  • Seek medical attention immediately for any injuries.
  • Contact the MIB for guidance on filing a compensation claim for hit and run accidents.

Can I Make a Hit and Run Accident Compensation Claim?

Yes, if you’ve been a victim of a hit and run accident in the UK, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries and damages. The process may seem daunting, especially when the driver responsible for the accident has not been identified. However, the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) provides a pathway for victims to claim compensation in these situations.

Victims of hit and run accidents, including pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, or passengers, are eligible to claim compensation. The claim is not limited to physical injuries but can also cover emotional distress and financial losses resulting from the accident.

To warrant a claim, the claimant must have received professional medical treatment for their injuries from a hospital or GP, and the injuries must be adequately severe (usually a minimum recovery period of 4-6 weeks).

Reporting the Accident to the Police

So now you know about the MIB, but what criteria do they use to evaluate whether or not a claimant has a valid claim? In MIB claims, it is vital – absolutely vital – that an incident is reported to the police and that an incident reference number is issued to the claimant. In the case of hit and run accidents the police should be notified immediately where possible, and certainly following any emergency medical treatment.

Instances where a driver provides what seems to be genuine insurance details which later turn out to be fake, the police should be told as soon as this fact becomes known.

The Evidence You Need to Make a Hit and Run Claim

It’s helpful to gather as much specific information about the accident as possible. Try to record the following:

  • Registration of the uninsured, or hit and run vehicle, if possible
  • Accident date and time
  • Accident location (street name, road number, roundabout name etc)
  • Full contact details of any witnesses
  • Details of any police involvement (reference number, officer numbers etc)

If you’ve been unable to gather this information, for whatever reason, don’t panic. It can still be possible for you to pursue a claim. We’ll always advise you on the best course of action for your particular situation.

The Benefits of Claiming Compensation

There are many compelling reasons for pursuing your legal right to make a claim – the end goal is to get you fair compensation for injuries that were not your fault. A successful claim can also release funds to pay for private treatment to speed your recovery process.

Should your injuries have stopped you from working and resulted in lost income – now and in the future – this will also be taken into account. Other incurred costs, such as transport and additional medical treatments, will be covered too.

All our road accident claims are made on a no-win, no-fee basis. If your claim is unsuccessful, you won’t be charged a penny.

How the Claims Process Works for Hit and Run Accidents

  1. Immediate Actions: Ensure you and anyone else involved are safe. Contact the police and gather evidence.
  2. Medical Attention: Seek medical care and ensure injuries are documented.
  3. Police Report: A police report is mandatory for a claim.
  4. Contacting the MIB: Initiate contact with the MIB as soon as possible.
  5. Claim Filing: Compile necessary documentation and file your claim.
  6. Resolution: Be patient and cooperative throughout the process.

Tips for Success

  • Detailed Documentation: Keep thorough records of all evidence and documentation related to the accident and your injuries.
  • Legal Advice: Consider consulting with a personal injury solicitor who has experience with MIB claims.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let us help

Being involved in a hit and run accident can be a distressing experience, leaving you with many uncertainties. However, understanding your rights and the steps to take can significantly improve your chances of securing the compensation you deserve. The Motor Insurers’ Bureau plays a crucial role in supporting victims of such incidents, ensuring that justice can be sought even in the absence of the at-fault driver.

You’re in safe hands with Direct2Compensation. Our claims process is transparent and effective, and you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with our no-win, no-fee approach.

To find out more, or to start your claim today, call us on 01225 430285. If you prefer, . After just a few minutes on the phone, we’ll have enough information to allow our solicitors to get your claim started.

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Comments & Questions

Read on for questions and advice about claiming, plus hit and run claim examples...

I was rear ended at high speed on my way to work. My car was badly damaged and was written off. I was taken to the hospital for assessment for my injuries. I had bruises, lacerations and a suspected cracked rib but the hospital stay was just one night. I was left to self heal. Does this still warrant a claim? I have made a claim through the Official Injury Claim portal and the other party’s insurance company denied liability.

Ian Morris

It may well be the case that you now need to instruct a specialist Solicitor to take over the running of this matter, taking it out of the claimant portal and advocating for you directly with the defendant insurer.

Given your description of the incident, it is confusing as to why there would be a denial of liability and we believe that our specialist Solicitors would be able to assist you in a positive way. Our No Win No Fee service means that you can seek specialist help without worrying about the legal costs, so please call us on 01225430285 or use our website to start your claim.


My father in law was involved in a hit and run. Uninsured driver. Got all cctv evidence/driver pleading guilty/ still in hospital has been for about 2 months. Can my mother in law start the claims process while he is still in hospital? He is awake and getting better but having multiple operations still.

Ian Morris

Our specialist Solicitors can certainly assist in getting this matter up and running at the earliest opportunity. There is clearly a just a valid claim to be pursued and it would appear that the injuries are serious, with long term consequences. The sooner the claim is started, the better and it would be prudent to contact us as soon as possible in order that we can have our specialist Solicitors discuss things with your Mother-in-Law. Our Solicitors can assist with pursuit of a claim on a No Win No Fee basis and would ensure that the severity of the injures are properly understood, that a medical experts report would be obtained to detail longer term problems or recovery prognosis and that any recoverable costs or losses were also recovered.


I’ve had a claim with the MIB for the last 3 & 1/2 years. I have just had an offer after having had an interim payment through this time totalling £2,000 – £1,500 of which was mine & £500 went to the Solicitors as their 25% fee.

My offer has now been received and is valued at £8,000 but my solicitor is saying that £2,000 of that has to go back to them as there 25% deduction from me being left at a less amount than the claim has stated? I also know my Solicitors have had money sent with the offer. What I don’t understand is why would they pay to have the amount deducted and sent back would they have not already deducted that and sent what amount they wanted me to receive? Sorry it’s so long winded.

Ian Morris

The MIB do make a contribution towards Solicitors costs. Whilst the contribution is not much (and is a fixed fee), your Solicitor should advise you of the amount that they have received. You should however contribute NO MORE than 25% of your awarded damages in total towards your legal costs. Some Solicitors will deduct the 25% at the time of receipt of settlement and forward a final balance to a claimant (which is how our Solicitors operate and is easier to understand from a claimants perspective), whilst some may forward the full settlement and include a demand for their fees to then be returned – as appears to be the case here.

We suggest requesting a full written breakdown from your Solicitor of their total costs and of the amount that the MIB has paid to them, along with a full breakdown of your settlement (including the interim award) and how they have calculated their 25% deduction. This should then give you peace of mind and ensure that all is above board and has been handled correctly.


My sons car was written off by a person who jumped the lights. He was knocked out and taken to hospital. The police are involved. He has claimed for loss of earnings as he was injured. The claim is going through and he is waiting to be paid out. Today we have been informed by the police the other person had no license or insurance. Now what happens?

Ian Morris

As the 3rd party was driving illegally and had no insurance, the claim will be addressed to the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) and they will run the claim under their uninsured driver scheme. Essentially, they act as if they were the insurer and the claim can still be pursued. They will liaise with the police and any medical experts to ensure that the appropriate evidence is obtained and then work towards agreeing a settlement for injury and associated losses.


A car overtook me at speed and crashed into the side of my car. He or she sped off but i got the reg number. I informed the police right away and i got a crime number. That was 5 days ago and have heard nothing. Dealing with my insurance company is hard work. I am kept in limbo, my car is still driveable but a bit of a mess.

Ian Morris

Did you sustain injury in the incident you describe? If so, what kind and severity of injury did you sustain? If you were uninjured, we cannot assist but if there is an injury we may be able to help you. However, as a result of the Governments recent changes to Road Traffic Accident compensation, a claimant may only instruct a Solicitor to act if their injuries exceed a minimum value of £5000 – unless there are any non-soft tissue injuries (i.e fractures and lacerations).


Hi, on June 21st I had an accident, it was a Hit and Run. I managed to get the car registration. But, what happens if they are uninsured and they Hit and Run?

Do I still get my compensation, for personal injury? I am very confused. I even have to go to physiotherapy for my treatment, for the pain I have been in since my car accident.

Can someone kindly shine light on my question?

Thank You in advance.

Ian Morris

Any person injured in a non-fault hit and run or by an uninsured driver may pursue a claim for personal injury compensation via the Motor Insurers Bureau. Our Solicitors can assist with this – in which case please provide further details via the ‘start your claim‘ page of our website. Alternatively, you can contact the Motor Insurers Bureau directly and complete an online application to pursue action.



My Dad was hit a couple of years ago by a stolen car that was travelling the wrong way down a duel carriageway whilst being chased by the police, the perpetrators were instantly arrested for other offences, but obviously they weren’t insured. The police officer at the time claimed that the police insurance would cover the cost of the vehicle (which was a complete write off) given a policy number, and told to contact the insurance company. He took notes of this at the time and contacted the police insurance, who flatly denied any responsibility and said that they wouldn’t pay out as it wasn’t a police vehicle that had caused the damage.

My question is where does he stand with this? He has essentially let this go now as it took over 18 months to get his own insurance to pay out, but it feels distinctly wrong that he can be advised at the scene that he can claim, but then instantly stonewalled once he contacts the insurance company. He received no compensation for his injuries and only about 2/3rds of his vehicles value from his own insurer.

This was in England (Bristol to be precise) and the perpetrators were all wanted members of the Traveller community who were wanted for taking part in an armed robbery a couple of weeks prior

Ian Morris

Your Father can pursue a claim for personal injury compensation via the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) scheme – this covers the victims of uninsured or untraced drivers.

Claimants can either choose to instruct a specialist Solicitor to act for them on a No Win No Fee basis in pursuit of an MIB claim, or they can claim directly via the scheme without expert representation.

Our Solicitors have a successful track record of helping people – like your Father – who have been injured as a result of criminal uninsured or untraced drivers and would be able to offer the same assistance to him.



I hope you don’t mind me contacting you.

I currently have a claim going through the MIB with a personal injury specialist Solicitor.

The MIB have admitted liability. I badly broke my shoulder by a hit and run car driver.

I am confused as to how loss of promotion special damages compensation is calculated.

I missed out on a promotion worth £5000 a year. How many years can this be claimed for ?

Can you give me any information on this ?

My solicitor is confusing me. I am unhappy with my solicitor to be honest so could I use your services instead ?

Ian Morris

Unfortunately, we would not be able to take on a claim in these circumstances. As you already have a Solicitor acting, a new Solicitor would have to agree to cover their costs on settlement of the claim, making it financially unviable for our Solicitors to act.

In terms of future loss of income, the amount you can claim will vary depending on various factors, one of which will be knowing whether you’ll get a future opportunity for that promotion and if so, when. Also, you would have to provide evidence that the promotion was agreed/guaranteed, but then withdrawn because of your injury.


I was involved in a car accident with a stolen vehicle that rear ended me due to being pursued by the police. The car itself is insured to the owner and from what I have gathered is that the car was taken from the owners drive while his 2 children were in the car, it is not sure if the owner left the keys in the car and the two suspects both 15yrs old saw a chance and took it. In my view the owner was negligent in his duty to ensure his car was secure however my insurer claims I need to claim on my own policy as the don’t feel the owners insurance will accept it and just use car stolen to cite their reasons.
I have dashcam footage of the incident, crime ref. And this accident is in the news papers to.

Who would be liable to pay for the payout on my car as its clearly a write off and also how can I claim personal injury as both me my partner and my son were in the car at the time of the accident.

Ian Morris

In terms of injury compensation, I agree that the 3rd party insurers will not settle a claim directly against their policy as their driver was not responsible for the cause of your injuries. However, as you have reported the matter to the Police, we can help you to pursue a claim via the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) as your injuries were caused by a stolen vehicle. We can pursue this claim on a No Win No Fee basis and invite you to make further contact with us.

In terms of the damage to your vehicle, if you have fully-comprehensive insurance, you will have to claim from your own insurance for the damage to your vehicle or replacement cost of your vehicle.


Hi a company lorry hit me in the rear and we was in slow traffic we both got out and then because we were in the way I said let pull over to the lay by and the lorry driver drove off !! I got his number plate & spoke to the office manager her confirmed that there was a dash cam on the lorry but won’t submit it and they are not accepting liability what shall I do ??

Ian Morris

Please contact us on 01225430285 or use the ‘start your claim for compensation‘ form on our website, so that we can help you. Our specialist Solicitors will be happy to advise and represent you in recovering your losses and claiming compensation for any injuries sustained.


Long story short i was a victim of a hit and run collision just under 2 years ago now. I suffered injuries both physically and mentally. I have nearly made a full recovery.
The third party insurers or MIB have offered the first time £4100 and now £5000 my solicitor had my case checked by a barrister who said i should receive atleast £6500-£7500.

Im really unsure what to do, as my solicitor has said that if i reject this offer then a formal award will be made and an adjudicator will decide if it’s sufficient or not.

Any advice would be helpful, i have never gone through this before and i have no idea what to do.


Ian Morris

In situations like this, it is always wise to follow the advice of your Solicitor. If your Solicitor feels that rejecting the offer is risky and more risky than sensible, then you should perhaps consider accepting the award. However, if your Solicitor has confidence that rejecting it will lead to a more sensible award, then you should follow that advice.


Hi, I was involved in an accident today, a lorry tried to squeeze by me, hit the back of my car resulting in ripping half the bumper off, ive had back and neck pain( please note the lorry driver drive off! And I didnt get his reg)
I went to A&E to which i was told I had some muscle damage to my back bit he never mentioned whiplash despite me telling him my neck and between shoulder blades was hurting, do I still have a claim?

Ian Morris

We can help you make a claim in this situation. When a 3rd party vehicle causes a collision and drives away, if you don’t have the vehicle registration, you need to report the incident to the Police. Although the Police are unlikely to trace the vehicle in question, they will issue you with an incident number and open an investigation in to the matter.

Once a Police report is made, as you have obtained medical treatment, we can help you make a claim via the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) scheme for the victims of untraced (hit and run) drivers where injury is caused. Although you don’t have to instruct a Solicitor to make a claim to the MIB, having the specialist representation of an expert personal injury Solicitor – especially when you can make such an instruction with us on a No Win No Fee basis – will ensure that your rights are upheld and that your injuries and losses are fully understood so that any compensation settlement in your claim is appropriate and fair.


Hi there,

I was hit by a 4×4 straight into the back of my van. He was doing atleast 90mph according to the police and the van is completely written off.

I’ve sustained some really bad injuries as a result. The driver fled the scene but was found near by 1hr later and was drunk. He is now due in court for drink driving and wreckless driving, the police have clarified he is completely at fault, along with witnesses at the scene.

However, this is where it becomes slightly messy – the police have now informed me that I was disqualified from driving for 6 months, one month before the accident!

I was not aware of this. I have still been hiring vehicles for work from well known hire companies and driving my cars as normal, which I’ve openlg admitted to the police, as I was completely unaware. Nothing has ever shown up when hiring vehicles and I never recieved any paper work to say I’ve been disqualified (for totting up points).

In principle – I’ve been hit in the rear very hard by a drink driver, I’m a disqualified driver, so technically and in the eyes of the law, I probably should not have been on the road anyway.

Am I still able to claim for my injuries though? As he was admittedly at fault!

If so, who could I discuss this with further? Will you be willing to represent me? Or do I need to continue via insurance companies? That will probably say insurance was invalid due to not having a license?

Kind regards,


Ian Morris

The fact that you were driving illegally may count against you in some capacity as you may have to accept some element of negligence on your own part. However, given the severe injuries sustained this is something our Solicitors can consider and pursue for you. Please email further information to me directly so that I can have a specialist Solicitor contact you to discuss this further. If you could email as much information as possible, including your name, date of birth, contact info and all relevant details about the accident to: I will look in to this for you.


I was on the receiving end of a hit & run accident. My job involves driving from job to job. Mobile cleaning. Unfortunately it happened very quickly and didn’t catch the number plate. I had to take some time of work. Day after the accident i dodnt even get a follow up call to see if im ok. From my employer. They said there insurance company is telling me its my fault. As i didnt get the number plate. And i should get stationary sick pay.

Ian Morris

As the victim of a hit and run collision, we can assist you in the pursuit of a claim for personal injury compensation in which if successful, you could recover compensation for the pain and discomfort caused by any injury and recover any loss of income caused by the accident.

Our specialist Solicitors can assist with a claim to the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) ‘untraced driver’ scheme. The MIB is a body funded by the insurance sector (via the premiums we all pay) and will act as an insurer to the victims of uninsured or hit and run drivers. You can claim directly to the scheme without legal representation, although we would recommend that you instruct a specialist Solicitor to act for you on a No Win No Fee basis to ensure that your claim is handled properly and that your rights are upheld.

In most cases, the MIB would want the accident to have been reported to the police.

Please call us on 01225430285 to discuss this matter and offer some help.


If I was driving my car with no insurance and had an accident which is my fault or 50/50 can I make a claim from the other person car and for whiplash etc?

Ian Morris

It is possible to make a claim for personal injury compensation as a result of injuries sustained in a road traffic accident, even if you were not insured. However, as you may well be held fully responsible you would not be able to make a claim.


Hi my name is Hazel. My car was involved in another going into it whilst stationary last year with my sons in the car. My car was fixed through insurance company aviva which is great. It has come to my attention that I might be eligible for compensation but I don’t have the car registration num details as I didn’t keep them or tell my insurance company. Can I get any imformation with a claim repairs ref num or is there any other way? Many thanks

Ian Morris

If the 3rd party vehicle that caused the damage to your car and injuries to those inside is known, a claim could be made against the insurers of that vehicle. However, if you didn’t report the details of the other car and they are unknown, you may be stuck.

If the 3rd party vehicle that caused the damage was untraced – i.e, it was a hit and run incident, our Solicitors could make a claim for personal injury compensation for you/your Sons via the Motor Insurers Bureau scheme.

Please call us on 01225430285 to further discuss this matter with our team.


hello I was hit with force from behind and the driver drove off, a witness took part of the registration. I call the police and they took details over the phone we decided I didn’t need response and drove car home once put of shock. My car is still damaged but drivable but I am in servere pain and waiting on MRI on my neck and spine. I saw my doctor after the accident and since, the accident was in July. My doctor is certain this is injury from the accident, is it too late to claim 6 months on?
Many thanks,
Eve Ryan

Ian Morris

It is not too late to make a claim. You have 3 years from the date of the accident to pursue a claim and given that the incident was reported to the Police at the time, you should face no issue in pursuing your claim.


Hi I have a accident claim for whiplash when a car collided with the bus I was on and unfortunately the driver drove off, police was called by bus company as so far no one was found and police getting back are a nuisance, it has been 11 months now, my solicitor has submitted my claim to mib, what sort of time frame or outcome do you think I’m looking at?

Ian Morris

A claim with the MIB is likely to be completed in a timeframe of circa 6-18 months.


My car was hit by a van that was being pursued by police. The damage is very extensive. The police are aware of this and have taken a statement and told me to inform my insurance company which I have. Can I claim compensation from the police? My insurance company has said that I will have to pay the excess which I cannot afford to do.

Ian Morris

The Police would have been acting lawfully in pursuit of the offending van and the liability for the damage does not rest with the Police, but with the van driver.


If I can claim through MIB, can you deal with it on my part as I feel mental stressed?

Ian Morris

You have the option of pursuing a claim directly with the MIB (without legal representation) or choosing to instruct a Solicitor to assist you and handle the claim on your behalf.

Should you prefer to have a Solicitor act, we can assist with that and our Solicitors would run the claim on the basis that you would pay nothing if the claim were to fail to succeed. However, should you succeed, the Solicitor would deduct up to 25% of your final settlement towards the costs of the claim.

If you would like us to get our Solicitors to pursue your claim, please call us on 01225430285. We’ll need the police incident report number along with the accident location and date and a description of the accident.

Chat with us for friendly, expert advice 01225 430285