Car Accident Personal Injury Claims – No Win No Fee

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If you’ve been injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be able to claim compensation on a “no win no fee” basis. This applies whether you’re the driver or a passenger, a pedestrian or other road user like a cyclist.

Here we look at when you might be eligible to make a claim, how much you can claim for and how to do it successfully.

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Can I make a car accident injury claim?

You may well be able to make a claim if you’re injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault. Claiming compensation for injuries can also help you to recover the money you lost because of the accident.

We can help you to make a “no win no fee” claim, which means that you will not have to pay any legal fees if your claim is unsuccessful.

To make a no win no fee injury claim you must meet some requirements:

  • Firstly, the accident must be mostly someone else’s fault or partly your fault. You can’t claim if you caused a car crash all by yourself.
  • Secondly, your injuries need to be severe enough to warrant a claim.
  • Thirdly, there is a time limit for making an injury claim. In most cases, you have three years from the date of the accident to file a claim.

The cause of the accident doesn’t need to be another person or vehicle. It could be a faulty traffic light, a pothole or an icy road that should have been gritted.

Our team can let you know if you have a valid claim, just give us a call on 01225 430285 to find out.

Car injury compensation amounts

Car accident injury claim payouts depend on what kind of injury you sustained, how severe it is and how it affects your life. You can also claim for special damages, which would include your financial losses.

Your solicitor will inform you of the expected compensation amount once they have collected all the facts and evidence. They’ll also explain the expenses you can claim for on top of any injury, potentially upfront before the claim is settled:

Injury compensation values

The UK classifies injury severity from slight to very serious, and the Judicial College sets injury compensation values to reflect this.

Very serious injuries include a broken neck or back, severe head injuries with loss of consciousness, severe chest injuries resulting in difficulty breathing, internal injuries, and multiple severe injuries with loss of consciousness.

Moderately serious injuries include the loss of an arm or leg, a fractured pelvis or upper leg, other chest injuries, deep wounds, multiple severe injuries with no loss of consciousness.

Less serious injuries include fractures to the leg, knee, ankle or foot, fractures to the collarbone, arm, hand or fingers, deep cuts and certain head injuries.

Slight injuries include whiplash or neck pain, minor cuts and bruises, sprains and strains, and shock.

As a guide, here’s some common car accident injury claim values:

Type of injuryCompensation amount
Whiplash£240 – £4,345
Minor brain or head injury£2,070 – £11,980
Fractured Cheekbone£2,180 – £9,570
Wrist injury£3,310 – £44,690
Hip or pelvis injury£3,710 – £24,950
Fractured forearm£6,190 – £18,020
Permanent back injury£11,730 – £26,050
Serious shoulder injury£11,980 – £18,020
Ankle injury£12,900 – £46,980

Making a claim through No Win No Fee

No win no fee” agreements, also known as Conditional Fee Agreements (CFAs), offer a financial safety net for those seeking compensation after being injured in a car accident. This arrangement means that you can pursue a claim without the worry of upfront legal fees. Here are the key aspects of no win no fee claims:

  • Risk-Free Legal Representation: Under a no win no fee agreement, you will not be required to pay your solicitor’s fees if your claim is unsuccessful. This removes the financial risk associated with pursuing compensation.
  • Success Fee: If your claim is successful, your solicitor will receive a success fee as a percentage of the compensation awarded. This percentage is agreed upon in advance and is capped by law to ensure you keep the majority of your compensation.
  • Insurance: To protect against potential costs, such as the defendant’s legal fees in the event of an unsuccessful claim, your solicitor may advise taking out an After The Event (ATE) insurance policy. This insurance covers these costs, so you’re not left out of pocket.
  • Transparency: Solicitors offering no win no fee agreements are required to explain the terms and conditions clearly before you agree to proceed. This ensures you are fully informed about any potential costs or fees involved.
  • Access to Justice: No win no fee agreements make legal representation accessible to those who might not otherwise afford it. This means that as an injured passenger, you can seek the compensation you deserve without financial barriers.
  • Incentive for Solicitors: Since solicitors only get paid if they win, there’s a strong incentive for them to only take on cases they believe have a good chance of success. This can provide you with reassurance about the strength of your claim.

No win no fee agreements provide a vital pathway to pursue compensation without the worry of upfront legal costs. By understanding how these agreements work and choosing the right legal representation, you can confidently move forward with your claim, focusing on your recovery while your solicitor handles the legal complexities.

Making a personal injury claim through your car insurance company

You can often make a personal injury claim with your car insurance company. Alternatively, you can choose to claim from the other party’s insurers on your own.

However, we often hear about insurers taking too much time or de-valuing genuine claims.

Using a specialised no win no fee car accident solicitor is a better choice for several reasons. They will know exactly what you can claim for, how to overcome denials of liability and how to maximise your compensation.

Will I have to go to court for a car accident claim?

It’s unlikely you will have to go to court to receive compensation for a car accident. Even if your claim does reach court, you may not need to be there in person.

Sometimes a solicitor will begin legal proceedings on your behalf if the other party denies liability or refuses to talk, but further negotiation often resolves the issue before it gets to court.

On the other hand, a court hearing may be beneficial to maximise your compensation settlement. For example, your solicitor may want to argue for interim payments to be made to help your immediate financial situation.

Do I need a medical exam to claim?

You will need an independent medical assessment to make a claim, but you won’t need to pay for it and your solicitor will arrange one local to you.

Medical records provide expert evidence confirming the cause and severity of injuries, as well as recommended treatments and a prognosis for recovery. They’re an important part of your claim that your solicitor can use to build your case and seek the correct amount of compensation.

Proving your case with evidence

The more evidence you can gather for your case, the better. Try to get contact details for any witnesses to the accident. It can also be helpful to take photographs of the crash site, if possible.

It’s also important to keep any bills, letters, reports or certificates from doctors or other health professionals. These provide evidence for your injuries and their impact on your life.

If you’re claiming prescription costs and travel expenses, keep all receipts as proof.

Car damage certificates can also be very beneficial to your case. These can contain photographs and expert testimonies on the damage incurred on the vehicle.

The process for making a no win no fee car accident claim

Our friendly advisors will guide you through the initial process. We understand that this may be a stressful time for you, so we aim to make it as simple and straightforward as possible.

We will ask you a few questions to gather the essential details about your accident. This information will enable our skilled solicitors to begin working on your case immediately. Rest assured, we handle all cases with the utmost professionalism and confidentiality.

If you prefer, you can also fill out a quick online form. This will provide us with the necessary information to assess your claim and get the ball rolling.

The legal process for a car accident claim largely depends on the value of the claim and whether the other party admits liability.

Small claims under £5,000

From June 2021, claims for minor injuries valued under £5000 are made through a government-supported portal known as the Official Injury Claim service. You don’t need a solicitor for this.

Fast track claims under £25,000

Claims of up to £25,000 are classed as fast track, or single track claims, and can be filed through the Claims Portal, an internet system overseen by the Ministry of Justice.

The claims portal aims to speedily deal with claims for relatively minor injuries. The process of claiming stays in the portal unless liability is disputed by the other party. Further negotiations usually resolve this, but a minority of cases may go to court where a judge decides the outcome.

Multi-track claims

Claims over £25,000 are handled outside of the Claims Portal and assigned to the multi-track process. They usually involve serious, life-changing injuries or fatal accidents.

In comparison to the fast track, there’s no set procedure for how claims go through the multi-track so it can take longer to receive your compensation.

Let us help you get started

We’ve been helping claimants win car crash compensation for over 20 years. To find out if you can claim, call us on 01225 430285 or we can . After just a few minutes on the phone, we’ll have enough information to allow our solicitors to get your claim started.

Remember, time is of the essence, so don’t delay. The sooner you start your claim, the sooner we can fight for the compensation you deserve. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your rights are protected and your voice is heard.

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Comments & Questions

Read on for questions and advice about claiming, plus car accident claim examples...

I was involved in a road accident where the vehicle I drove developed a fault which resulted in a 3 car accident, the van i was driving being the vehicle that struck. Police were in attendance and I was seen by paramedics at the scene and have not gone to a and e as I have responsibilities to my children to keep earning. Am I able to make a claim?

Ian Morris

Although your accident occurred due to a fault with a vehicle, establishing that negligence on the part of the vehicle owner, manufacturers or servicing company led to the fault and therefore any injury is likely to be extremely difficult. As such, running such a claim on a No Win No Fee basis is likely to be seen as being too risky.

It would be helpful to know more about the vehicle you were driving at the time. Who owned the vehicle? How old was the vehicle? How many miles had the vehicle driven and how recently had bit been serviced?


Hi ian
I was rear ended at a set of traffic lights nearly two years ago, the other side has admitted that they rear ended us and there insurance company axa payed to get the car fixed, a personal injuries claim was filled and 18months has passed and my solicitor has contacted axa about what is going on and they are saying that it is being in and out of the special investigations unit and wont disclose anything that’s all they say? I would greatly appreciate if you can give me your opinion on what could be going on please and thank you

Kind regards

Ian Morris

It is impossible to be sure as to why the Insurers are investigating this matter in such a way. They could have concerns about the claim or any party involved in the claim. As long as you have provided only totally accurate instructions to your Solicitor, you have nothing to fear.


I had a accident 2 months ago, I was a passenger in my car, my husband was driving a car came behind and hit my car, he admitted liability and my car was written off. I got compensation for my car but I hurt my lower back as he hit my car. I did report it to my doctor and I didn’t go to hospital. I thought it would get better but now i’m in a lot of pain. I’m finding it very painful to work and with walking, can I still claim compensation for this even though I’m still trying to work, because I cannot take time off work?

Ian Morris

Whether you can work or not will not prevent you from pursuing a claim. It would seem that your injury is relatively serious so there is a prospect that you will meet the new (post 1st June 2021) claim valuation requirement that would enable our Solicitors to be able to act for you on a No Win No Fee basis.

We would like to get your claim and injury situation evaluated by our Road Traffic Accident specialist Solicitors.


I have a quick question. Two weeks ago i was involved in a car accident whilst driving for work when a driver hit me from the side. He has accepted liability and the work vehicle has been taken in to repairs. I hurt my knee and feel pains in my neck, especially when i wake up in morning. Can i can claim compensation? I don’t how this injury claims work. Thanks.

Ian Morris

As your injury was caused after 1st June 2021, the rules or system for personal injury compensation for soft tissue injuries as a result of a road traffic accident have changed. It is now the case that you cannot instruct a Solicitor to act for you on a No Win No Fee basis for such claims unless your injury is valued in excess of £5000. As you may imagine, this rules out almost all soft tissue injury claimants as the valuation is hard to reach. With your injury, particularly the knee pain, that is something that could see you able to make a claim, but time will need to pass to see if you have recovered or not. Of course, if your injury does not settle and further medical intervention is needed, please contact us for further advice as we may then be able to step in and assist you.


Hi good morning , I was on green light and other driver came from right side and hit into the driver side of my car . Other driver could have ran the red light as I have a camera in my car and could see clearly I was on green light and suddenly hear the noise hit on my car from the back .. I have called my insurance but they said it’s dispute liability!! I am wondering It’s very straight forward case and still I am waiting for the decision to made please help !!

Ian Morris

Have you provided your insurers with your dash-cam footage?


Yes I send them weeks ago and they have told me that they have send the footage to third party insurer and waiting for their reply !

Ian Morris

Although frustrating, you need to be patient and await the defendant response. You have provided the evidence and done all that can be expected of you, so it is just a case of waiting and remaining in contact with your insurers and legal representative.


I was a front passenger in my car that my partner was driving at the time, we was hit from the rear end. This is ongoing with the police as the driver of the car left the scene. My 2 children who were in the back bumped their heads, and I suffered with leg, back and neck ache. The next day i made an appointment with my GP, she recommended id seek physico therpy, through my insurance as ive been having leg spasms, loss of reflexes in right leg and pain from my neck down to my back, prescribed me with pain relief and diazepam to help with the pain and leg spasms. She informed me to keep an eye out for sickness and headaches with the children. Im unsure the next steps to take with regards to claiming personal injury for myself and children. Am i easier letting the insurance deal with it or will i have better compensation elsewhere? Thanks.

Ian Morris

If the accident happened on or before 31st May 2021, we would strongly recommend that you instruct an independent specialist personal injury Solicitor to represent you in your claims. Whether that be the expert specialist Solicitors with whom we work or another provider, the reality is that by choosing your own independent specialist Solicitor, you can be certain that your rights and interests will be upheld whereas allowing the insurers to be judge and jury affords them a real opportunity to undervalue any settlement awards that you may receive.

If the accident happened on or after 1st June 2021, the new RTA regulations will prevent you from instructing a Solicitor unless your injuries are valued at more than £5000.


I was in a car accident and my car written off. The other party pulled into a side road on the left without indication. So I preceded past him but he was performing a u turn in the side road and pull straight out across the main road without stopping hitting my front wing and protecting me across the road and into a brick wall causing substantial damage to my other wing. My insurers say this is my fault as I didn’t give him space to turn around and come out the road and I was too close to his car. Please advise, thank you

Ian Morris

Was the driver of the other car indicating at the time of their manoeuvre? The highway code requires vehicles that are following another car to allow sufficient space and braking distance should a vehicle that they are following has to stop suddenly. However, if the other vehicle left the road without indicating that they would be turning back across your right of way, it would appear that they are the at fault party.

Have you asked your Insurers to reconsider their point of view?


Hi, so I was driver to a car that had an accident recently – which had 1 passenger and a baby. Our car rolled few times but baby was unharmed and Passenger suffered multiple fractures. One thing is, I haven’t got my full licence yet and drove on a provisional license. Just wanted to know if my driving status would hinder any attempt of me trying to claim compensation ?.. please advise.. thank you.

Ian Morris

If you were the non-fault party, you can pursue a claim regardless of your driving status. Your passengers can pursue a claim regardless of who was at fault.


Hi , i was involved in an accident with my husband and kids at that time i was pregnant ,i got a baby with a bad operation and since ever my condition changed , i am now having a problem with back pains and also shortness of breath ,always at the doctor to seek medication ,can i also lodge a claim , my kids always remind me and my husband of the accident and they are scared to drive on the car we got accident on after being fixed .please assist .

Ian Morris

When did the accident happen? UK law affords you a claim limitation period of 3 years from the date of the accident. Therefore, if the accident was within the past 3 years, we may well be able to assist you.


I was involved in a car accident in October 2019 third party at fault. I was sat still at a roundabout and the lorry didn’t stop and hit us from behind. They have admitted liability and a breach of duty . They have paid for the car to be fixed however its coming up to 9 months and they still haven’t paid for the personal injuries caused to me and the two other people in my car. We have had to file to take them to court, however do we have to proceed with court as my passengers really don’t want to see the other driver. Getting a response from the law firm is almost impossible. If they had already admitted the fault how likely is it we will end up in court as I have heard most people settle in advance.

Ian Morris

As you were hit from behind, it is not surprising that liability has been admitted. It is also common for the loss of or repair to a vehicle to be dealt with quickly and for personal injury compensation claims to take a far longer time to settle – typically 18-24 months.

It is very unlikely that your claim will go to court, but your Solicitor has initiated proceedings to compel the defendant to cooperate, so I doubt you would even have to attend court.

You mention being unhappy with your Solicitor and the lack of contact. You should inform the Solicitor firm in question – in writing – of your concerns about a lack of contact. If they continue to be hard to contact, you should make a formal complaint to the Solicitor (again in writing) and if that fails to resolve the issues, you could then seek to switch to a new Solicitor.


Hi there the defendace is now trying to say we are fraudulent even tho we have doctors reports and physiotherapy reports. I feel we are been bullied is this normal. Our lawyers are stay we still continue with court however Iam very worried as there was a vehicle specialist looked at the photos and wrote a report saying the accident did happen but not enough to cause whiplash. However the lorry hit us with enough force to move my car into the roundabout. Again the lawyer said its nothing to worry about but if the court side with the defendant after this report I would be devastated as we did nothing wrong. Is this just a scare tack tick used into getting us to back down

Ian Morris

If your Solicitor wishes to pursue the claim, don’t worry about the actions of the defendant insurers. As long as you are being honest and not acting in anyway dishonestly, you have nothing to worry about. This is most likely ‘scare tactics’ from the defendants in a bid to get you to drop any legitimate claim.


Hi my mum had a car accident yesterday when a bin lorry reversed into her car leaving the front of the car damaged and the windscreen smashed. She has an eye witness who saw everything and the bin lorry driver admitted fault. She is now starting to feel pain in her hips and lower back, but she is scared to make a claim.

Ian Morris

Why is your Mother scared about making a claim? She is the innocent party in this unfortunate accident and has a legal right to claim compensation for the pain and discomfort caused to her by this incident. Whilst the bin lorry driver didn’t mean to do this, they are liable via their insurance for the damage to your Mothers car and for any injuries or losses caused.

No doubt your Mother will claim for the damage to her car against the insurance of the lorry in question and making a claim for personal injury compensation with us will not cause any problems for her. Our No Win No Fee service means that your Mother would have no risks if she were to make a claim and we would be very happy to help her with this process.


I have an ongoing case.
I have been accused of fundamental dishonesty. I submitted my claim for whiplash a car has gone into the back of me on a main road where I stopped but the car behind failed to do so. I went to hospital 1-2 hour later afterwards due to stiffening of neck and lower back. Had medical reports done at a later date. Did have any physiotherapy as I couldn’t afford time off work and didn’t want to risk losing job. Months after the accident I’ve fully recovered. The defendant insurance company claim I have been fundamentally dishonest but my inputs have been nothing but accurate and not exaggerated. They did not reply until court proceedings were issued. Is this an act to scare monger me do you think? How often do whiplash claims go to court? I’d feel confident in court due to the accuracy and evidence I have. Opposing driver has also admitted liability but not for the injuries caused.

Ian Morris

As you have acted completely honestly and have not fabricated ANY element of the claim, you should not fear the allegation of ‘fundamental dishonesty’ against you. It could be an attempt to make you withdraw your claim, but if there is any element of your claim that has been exaggerated – even slightly, fundamental dishonesty could be attached and you would not only lose your claim, but face paying the other sides costs.

If you have a Solicitor acting for you, they should be able to counter the allegation by speaking with you and obtaining the evidence to prove that the allegation is baseless.

What act of fundamental dishonesty are they alleging you have been party to?


I was involved in a car accident as a passenger 21 months ago. As a passenger i did not realise i was able to claim for my injurys. Private physiotherapy was not an option due to cost. Im still having problems with my lower back and neck.

Ian Morris

As the accident was 21 months ago, we can help you make a claim. You have 3 years in which you can make a claim, so you have over a year remaining of that period.

Please call us on 01225430285 so that we can help you start your claim. As the passenger in the vehicle, it is irrelevant as to which party was at fault as you will be able to pursue a claim either way.


I pulled out of a side street making a right turn (UK) and as I crossed stationary traffic another car overtook the lorry that I had pulled out in front of. He drove into oncoming traffic to carry out the manoeuvre. I am being told this is a 50/50 claim and because I am not making a claim myself against my insurance I would not have thought my no claims would be impacted. My insurer are now saying I have 2 years reduction on my no claims bonus because the other driver is making w claim and my insurer is paying 50% of it.

Is it fair and reasonable to expect a reduction in my no claims bonus when I have not made a claim myself?

I have not admitted that this is 50/50 but my own insurer have done so on my behalf because I was pulling out of a minor street.

Thank you.

Ian Morris

The insurers would not have accepted 50% of the liability if they felt that there were any other way around it and even though you haven’t made a claim (yet), the insurers are within their rights to impact your NCB.

You could consider mitigating the impact on you by pursuing a claim for personal injury yourself – if you were injured in the accident. Whilst any compensation settlement would see the value halved (50/50), you would still be able to recover some compensation and it wouldn’t impact any further on your insurance renewals or premiums in the future.


Good afternoon

Do you know the time/stage process on how car crash claims work?

It’s been over 6 months since my accident with a foreign lorry driver (Hit me on the motorway and wrote off my car) and they still haven’t accepted fault or responded to my solicitors letters.

What advice would you give me on this matter?

Thanks David

Ian Morris

Dealing with overseas insurers in matters of road traffic accident compensation shouldn’t really be any more difficult than dealing with a UK based provider, but the reality is that the process often takes longer and this hasn’t been helped by the current political situation with the UK leaving the EU.

Has your Solicitor discussed the options available in trying to compel the proposed defendant to cooperate?


I understand that it is a bit of a long winded journey so far and hasn’t helped with brexit, but the overseas insurers should have a duty to respond.

The Solicitor has been chasing for a response for a month now but with no luck. He has suggested that he could send a letter to them to appear at court as they haven’t responded within the 6 months, but I can see this being dragged out and seeing them respond at the very last minute.

Ian Morris

We fully appreciate your frustration and you are right, they do have a duty to respond. It would seem that your Solicitor is on the case and acting correctly, so bear with them and hopefully things will resolve in due course.


I was involved in a non fault accident a week before Christmas Dec 2019. I was on my way home form work and I had to stop due to parked cars to allow traffic coming the other way. It was raining quite heavily. A car drove into the back of me whilst I was stationary. The driver admitted fault and claim etc all went through. We didn’t call the police at the time, I haven’t since but don’t know if he did.
I was in shock at the time and had stiffness/discomfort in my back but didn’t feel it warranted medical attention. As it was Christmas I was off work more than normal so was able to move/rest as needed. When I returned to work full time (sedentary desk role) I realised i was struggling to sit at the desk as had pain in my lower back. I had access to occupational health and saw the physio who did some push therapy and gave me stretches to do that have helped. Would it be worth me pursuing a claim. Do I need to find out if he reported it to the police?

Ian Morris

The lack of police involvement in the kind of collision you describe is not an issue in terms of pursuit of a claim for personal injury compensation and we would be very happy to help you make your claim.

In situations such as the one you describe, the Police would only attend the scene if there was a serious injury or if the highway was obstructed. As both parties appear to have acted in a cooperative manner and were able to then leave the scene, the Police would not have attended.


Hi there, On the 5 February 2019 I was on my way to work in my works van.
Where a car in front on me stopped to turn right, The car behind hit me around 35-40mph in wet conditions while I was mobile. The work van was a write-off.

After the accident I went home. I went to hospital the next day as I was in some pain. The hospital staff put me straight on a board with a neck block, Where I went for c.t scans and X-rays. I was told that the injury was soft tissue bruising they gave me anti-inflammatory and sent me on my way.

I’m the kind of person to just get on with things but as time has gone past, my lower back is killing me and I struggle to sleep at night where my neck gets stiff when I lay down for a long time. I’ve just been taking painkillers but it’s getting to the point now where it’s getting worrying, I’m only 27 and im now finding it hard to even do a normal exercise routine.

Have I left a it too long? I still have some photos of the accident and of me in the neck brace.

Kind regards.


Ian Morris

You have not left it too long and we would be very happy to help you make your claim for personal injury compensation. From the date of the accident, you have a maximum of 3 years in which you can make your claim. As 15 months of the 3-year limitation period has already passed, it is important to get moving on the claim urgently, so please call us on 01225430285.

If successful (and at this stage, I can see no reason why our specialist Solicitors would not succeed with your claim), you would be entitled to compensation for the pain and discomfort caused by your injuries (and ongoing), able to access specialist rehabilitation therapies and recover any lost income or other incurred costs caused to you by this accident.

We look forward to helping you.


Hello, I have been involved in accident a month ago and is not my fault a car hit me from the back at low speed no police or ambulance was involved we exchanged names and few pics. Later I felt back pain so I went to the hospital and I have a medical report. Can I claim for personal injury.

Ian Morris

Yes, you can pursue a claim for the soft tissue injuries to your back/neck caused in the road traffic accident you mention.



I was hit from behind at a roundabout by a car going approximately 8mph. The driver drove off after the impact and I later caught up to him further down the road due to traffic. He later admitted responsibility for the accident and apologised for leaving the scene.

I reported the accident to his insurer as I was advised to do by my insurer given the age of my car and excess that I would have to pay. They accepted liability and satisfactorily reimbursed me for the repairs needed for my car.

The collision aggravated an existing lower back injury and led to pain in my middle to upper back which I did not notice until a day later (this pain has dulled but continues 2 weeks after the event). I also had a slight pain in my neck.

I was already due to visit my GP two days after the incident so at the same time asked her to assess the injuries. She confirmed mild whiplash and said that my neck was inflamed. She advised me to take painkillers for the week namely ibuprofen to help with the inflammation and advised me to come back should the injuries worsen.

I spoke to the other parties insurers bodily injury team given the excess on mine to have a discussion about the process of claiming for my injuries and was upfront about my pre-existing lower back injury- one that is not documented in my medical records (I say pre-existing but in total I have experienced lower back pain about 3 times in my life) and I also detailed the further injury sustained I believe as a result of the impact. Namely the middle back pain which I had not felt before.

The insurer asked for pictures of my car, however the damage was very minor, with scratches and a couple of small dents.

Following this, about a week later in a letter they reported back to me that “put simply, we do not accept that you sustained the injuries complained of.” and “as such would not be making any payments in respect to my claim.” they advised me that I would have to seek legal advice if I wanted to pursue it further.

The act of effectively calling me a liar which has really irked me and as such I wondered if you had any advice on what I should do?

Ian Morris

Insurers are becoming more and more reluctant to compensate the victims of negligent drivers who cause low speed collisions – even when medical evidence confirms that injuries have been sustained. The terminology used is ‘Low Velocity Impact’ or ‘LVI’ and in cases where the damage to a vehicle is ‘slight’, an insurer will argue that the speed of the collision and forces applied are not consistent with injury. There is no ‘hard and fast’ evidence to support their assumption, but the Government have repeatedly made life easier for insurers of the at fault party.

If you would like to speak with our specialist Solicitors regarding your case, please call us on 01225430285 so that we can help in that process. Our Solicitors have successfully overturned refusals from insurers to compensate people with diagnosed injuries sustained in LVI incidents and would be happy to consider whether they could do the same in your situation.


My daughter has been involved with a bus and car collision, we think it was car driver’s fault but she has sustained back and neck injuries as well as shock. She is only 15. I have come out of my job as her mother and met her where the accident was, she was white with shock and upset, what happens with a minor? Can you please give me some advice? She was checked over by a paramedic and a police officer but since been up all night in pain and seems to be hot on her back.

Ian Morris

As your daughter is 15, she cannot pursue a claim herself. However, as her parent, you can pursue a claim on her behalf and act as a ‘litigation friend’ in instructing a Solicitor and ensuring that your daughters best interests are upheld.

Your Daughters claim can be made on a No Win No Fee basis and we can assist with this. Please call us on 01225430285 and speak with us so that we can explain the process to you and help you to understand what our specialist Solicitors can do to assist your daughter.

Chat with us for friendly, expert advice 01225 430285