Broken Collarbone Injury Claims & Compensation Amounts

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Making a collarbone injury claim can be of great help when your ability to work and live as normal has been affected. You can recover lost wages and incurred costs, as well as a settlement for the pain and discomfort caused by the injury.

While the majority of collarbone fractures usually heal within 6-8 weeks of the accident, in more serious cases surgery will be needed with plates, pins and screws installed. As such, the recovery period is longer and further rehabilitation therapies such as physiotherapy can be required. A compensation settlement will often cover these too.

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Common causes of collarbone injuries

Most collarbone injuries arise from falls on hard floor surfaces, or as a result of a fall from height, such as from a ladder or step whilst at work.

Additionally, a large number of our collarbone claimants have sustained their injury as a result of a slip or trip in a public place.

Collarbone fractures can also be sustained in road traffic accidents, especially by motorcycle riders or cyclists thrown from their bike.

Compensation amounts for a broken collarbone

The level of compensation you can expect for a broken collarbone will depend on the extent of the fracture, level of disability and ongoing symptoms.

Simple fractures which heal with no ongoing pain will likely fall in the £2,000 – £4,000 range.

If there is ongoing pain, you can expect up to around £10,000.

In more serious cases, where the collarbone does not heal correctly, presents ongoing pain and permanent disability, awards can exceed £10,000.

These amounts are for the injury itself, but you can also claim for special damages, which can include your expenses and rehabilitation therapies, for example.

Once your specialist solicitor has obtained your medical report they will be able to give you an idea of how much compensation to expect for your injury.

Who can make a claim for collarbone injury compensation?

Any person who has suffered a collarbone injury as a result of an accident that was someone else’s fault has the right to make a no win no fee claim for compensation.

Accidents in public

For those caused as a result of a slip on a wet floor in a supermarket, shop or other business, claims generally succeed if the slipping hazard was not marked with a hazard warning sign. Here it must be proved that the organisation responsible for the site had failed to carry out their statutory duty to ensure that the area was inspected regularly, kept safe and that any hazard to health was clearly marked.

Accidents at work

Collarbone injuries from a slip, trip or fall from height at work may succeed with a compensation claim if the cause of their accident can be attributed to employer negligence. This could be a lack of training or a failure to provide the correct equipment, such as a ladder that is not long enough or a faulty, disrepaired step.

Accidents on the road

Those sustaining a broken collarbone as a result of a road traffic accident may succeed with a claim if they were not at fault for the accident and were hit by a 3rd party vehicle. Similarly, if they were caused to be thrown from a bike because of a disrepaired road surface or large pothole within the highway.

How to make a successful broken collarbone claim

As with any claim for personal injury compensation, a claimant can help their prospects of success by acting quickly and ensuring the correct evidence will be available to support their specialist solicitor later in the claims process.

To make sure your claim for a broken collarbone has the best chance of succeeding, follow these key steps:

  • Ensure the details and cause of your collarbone injury are recorded in an accident book and reported to the correct people
  • Seek medical attention so that medical evidence will be available to support your claim
  • Obtain witness details if possible
  • Take photographs of the cause of your slip or fall if you are able to do so

Don’t worry if you haven’t been able to do all of this yet, just contact us at the earliest opportunity and we’ll be able to help.

If your collarbone injury was caused by a slip on a wet floor or spillage within a supermarket, make sure that the accident is recorded within the store accident book. If there was no hazard sign on display at the time of your fall, make sure that is noted too.

If you broke your collarbone at work, make sure that the details of your accident are recorded in your employer’s accident book. If applicable, make sure the details of any lack of training or inadequate equipment are noted.

How our expertise can help

At Direct2Compensation we have a great track record of helping collarbone injury claimants reach a successful outcome. Our expert team understand your rights and can tell you quickly whether or not you have a viable claim for compensation.

We work with leading specialist personal injury compensation solicitors who will pursue your claim on a No Win No Fee basis. Their aim is get you the maximum settlement possible. Our simple to understand claims process will give you the confidence to pursue your claim and enable you to focus on recovery.

If you have suffered a collarbone injury and want to know if you can make a claim for compensation, contact us today. You can start your claim online or , and one of our expert team will be in touch to offer help. Alternatively, call us on 01225 430285.

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Comments & Questions

Read on for questions and advice about claiming, plus collarbone injury claim examples...

My situation is that I was at work and went outside, the door closed behind me and locked me out. The only other way is to go through back gates and walk round. We were currently getting people steal our oil at the time and was cable tying the gates locked so they couldn’t. No one could hear me knocking to get in so I tried to break the cable ties but I couldn’t. I waited about ten mins but no one came. I had to climb the gate and slipped causing me to break my collar bone and have surgery. I was just wondering what my situation allows me to do. Obviously I chose to climb the gate but only because they were cable tied shut which they aren’t usually and had been locked out for quite a while.

Ian Morris

I assume you didn’t have a phone so couldn’t call for help and that there was no ‘buzzer’ or visitor ‘bell’ system?

As you chose to climb the gates, you will be seen as having acted negligently in that climbing over gates does have an inherent risk of an accident. However, as your employer appears to have not thought through the consequences of cable tying the gates, there is a possibility that they will have to accept some of the liability.

In cases where liability is split, say 50% claimant and 50% defendant, a claim can still proceed. However, it is a case of the claimant only being entitled to 50% of the ‘usual’ value of the claim.


I slipped on the stairs outside my flat and broke my collar bone with extensive tissue damage. There is no lighting downstairs, outside, any rubber grips on the steps themselves or reflective strips on them and bearing in mind it’s a tiled floor and very slippery this seems wrong! Is there a possibility of a claim? I am going to also report this to my housing,this happened on saturday just gone. Many thanks.

Ian Morris

It is certainly important to report the incident and your injuries to the housing association/landlords and to do so in writing to ensure that appropriate evidence of your injuries and the incident is in place.

This is a matter we would like to look further in to and would like to see some photographs and perhaps a brief video clip of the area in question. It would be helpful if you could take photographs of the steps in daylight – both close up and some from slightly further away and also perhaps a brief video clip of the are in darkness – following the route you took when you fell. If you could email these photographs to us at along with your contact number, we’ll review this for you and then contact you to discuss a No Win No Fee claim for compensation.


My twin daughters have both been injured at work. They are only 16 and doing an apprenticeship at a large Equestrian centre. First daughter was told to take a horse to the field in her first week working and was kicked in the head which needed stitches. One month later my other daughter broke her collar bone when the managers dog ran in front of the horse she was riding, resulting in both horse and rider to fall. Could you please advise?

Ian Morris

It is hard to advise specifically on either of the two injury scenarios you describe given that anyone working with Horses will have to accept that they are animals and may present a risk to those working with them. However, there could be a valid claim for both daughters if we can establish that the employer has failed to adequately minimise the risk of injury at work by providing the correct training, correct safety equipment and risk assessing the work being requested.


I was lifting very heavy glass panels with a co-worker, these were almost to heavy for both of us, one of the panel hit my collar bone, the next day I noticed it was not in the same place as it was the previous day and I was in severe pain. I went to work told my employer and he had me carry heavy mirrors up 2 flights of stairs after I requested for light duty. My injury still exists and causes pain almost constantly. I need to know my legal grounds if any this injury prevents me from doing construction which is all I know.

Ian Morris

Did your former employer provide manual handling training? Were the details of your injury properly recorded within the workplace in an accident book or similar? The answers to these questions, and a few more will help us evaluate whether or not you have viable grounds to pursue a claim against your former employer.

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