Bus company liable for compensation after driver blacks out

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The cause of a recent road traffic accident involving a school bus carrying 50 children has now been identified, with the driver of the bus found to be at fault after blacking out at the wheel and causing the collision with another vehicle.

In most cases, people who have been injured in a car accident are able to evaluate whether they will have a valid claim for road traffic accident compensation as it is usually easy to see who was at fault.  In cases involving a bus or coach, it isn’t always so easy to immediately assess liability as most passengers don’t actually see what is happening in the build up to an accident, instead only hearing and seeing the immediate impact and aftermath of the accident.

Today’s news that the driver of the school bus had suffered a blackout that lead to 28 children suffering injuries has forced the insurers of the bus company to admit liability and therefore accept claims made against them. This is clearly an unfortunate incident in that there would be no way of knowing that the driver was about to have a black out and in many respects, this accident was unavoidable. However, this doesn’t absolve the bus company or their insurers of the responsibility to accept liability as the children upon their bus were under their care at the time and the occupants of the other vehicle involved were clearly innocent of any blame.

The effects of such a road traffic accident on the victims can be huge, often leading to psychological trauma being made a large aspect of the claim.

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