Supermarket Accident Claims – How To Get Injury Compensation

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Making a successful supermarket accident claim is not quite as simple as just being injured while shopping. Claimants need to prove that the supermarket was negligent and that in the case of an accident, it failed to uphold their duty to ensure the premises were safe for customers. This duty applies whether you were in a local corner shop, a store like Poundland, Asda or any other shop or Supermarket. Here we look at the circumstances in which you might be eligible to claim.

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Supermarket health and safety responsibilities

We have successfully assisted many claimants who have had the unfortunate and embarrassing experience of suffering a very public accident in a supermarket. Like all shops, supermarkets have to follow safety regulations and adhere to the requirements of the Occupier Liability Act which requires them to keep their customers safe from injury and minimise the risk of accidents in their store. If the supermarket breaches this legal duty and fail to take every reasonable step to minimise the risk of an accident or injury in their store,  the injured person is very likely to be entitled to claim compensation.

In general, Supermarkets are required to:

  • Remove hazards and spillages within their store as fast as possible
  • Display warning signs to indicate any hazards, spillages or risk of injury
  • Keep the shop free from contamination or defects
  • Maintain structures within the store and ensure display equipment and stock is safely
  • Follow safety practices set by the Health and Safety Executive

The typical claim after an accident in a supermarket is for an accidental slip, trip or fall, causing soft tissue injuries, back pain and even bone fractures. There are of course many potential causes of supermarket accidents. If you’ve been injured in an accident in a supermarket and you’re unsure whether your situation will enable you to make a claim, contact us for help.  We’ll gladly discuss your situation, explain your rights after an accident and offer you friendly, professional helpful advice about making a claim.

Wet supermarket floors

With regular floor cleaning and the potential for spillages or leaks from fridges and freezers, floors in supermarkets can often be wet and slippery.  In wet weather conditions, the problem of wet floors increases as customers walk water into the shop. Supermarkets have to make sure that wet floors are dried quickly and that warning signs are displayed to indicate a potential hazard, with the aim being to reduce the risk of slipping on the shop floor.

Similarly, spillages should be identified and cleaned up as soon as possible, with the Supermarket having a responsibility to ensure that the aisles of the store are checked regularly for any spilt food, liquid or other slipping risk.

Falling stock and dangerous equipment

Supermarket shelves, racks, stock pallets and trolleys need to be regularly checked and serviced to make sure they are safe to hold products. Claims can arise should such equipment cause injury or allow stock to fall onto customers.

Forklifts are a common cause of workplace accidents and in frequent use in and around supermarkets, as such they should be regularly maintained and operated by qualified drivers to avoid injury to staff and shoppers.

Tripping hazards in a supermarket

Supermarket aisles may often be obstructed by boxes, pallets and cages used for restocking shelves. While this equipment is necessary, staff must ensure that any such items are positioned out of the way and they must not allow the aisles to be obstructed or littered with slip or trip risks.  The Supermarkets must also ensure that products and produce items are stacked properly to avoid the risk of items falling onto customers.

Hazard warning signs

Any potential hazard within the Supermarket should be clearly marked with a warning sign. The existence of a dangerous hazard does not necessarily mean it will cause injury, but if it does, and there was no hazard sign erected or steps taken to warn customers or prevent the hazard from causing injury, you are likely to have a valid claim for compensation. In this circumstance, the Supermarket is likely to be seen as having been negligent and therefore liable for your injuries by failing to provide a warning of a foreseeable risk to your safety.

However, even if a hazard sign is present you may still be able to make a successful claim. For example, the Supermarket has a leaking freezer unit in their store. The floor gets wet and they call out an engineer. If they erect the yellow hazard sign and believe that they’ve covered themselves and taken reasonable steps to warn shoppers of a potential hazard. However if they just erected a sign and didn’t bother calling the engineer and left the unit leaking for weeks and weeks, the sign would become redundant and they would still be liable for not removing a known hazard in a reasonable time frame.  Also, the hazard warning sign needs to clearly indicate where the possible hazard is situated.  If a hazard sign is place slightly out of view, or obstructed by stock or not exactly where the slip risk is situated, the sign is redundant and of no use.

Proving who is at fault for a supermarket accident

The courts have been very fair when considering claims against a Supermarket or shop.  Let’s be honest, a customer can easily drop an egg, knock a bottle from a shelf and spill some liquid on the floor. They don’t always report it to a staff member and often just walk off. The next customer could come round the corner within seconds and slip on the spillage and be injured. Would it then be fair for the supermarket to be liable and would you have a valid claim for the slip? In this scenario, you would not have a valid claim.  The courts have noted that Supermarkets have large premises to monitor and they can’t be expected to see every spillage as it happens, have a hazard warning sign erected instantly and the spillage or slip risk removed within minutes.

When defending a claim, if the Supermarket can show that they had taken every precaution to properly monitor their store by way of a cleaning and inspection regime and checked the area where you fell shortly before you did and located no spillage or hazard, the courts will find in favour of the Supermarket. For example, Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys and the other main chains have a 30-minute cleaning regime in place. This is where a worker inspects the floors of the aisles every 30 minutes for hazards, spillages and other cleaning work. The staff member should then erect a warning sign if any hazards are found, before instructing a cleaner to remove the hazard. They will then sign an inspection report. This gives them adequate time to manage their often very large floor space and demonstrates that they have taken every care.

It is however, pretty easy for such reports to be forged or signed off without an inspection having taken place. Furthermore, it is often pretty easy to prove that the store didn’t follow a strict 30 minute cleaning regime due to it being busy, under-staffed or simply forgotten.

What to do if you have been injured in a supermarket

  1. Report the incident. Make sure that you report your accident at the earliest opportunity to a staff member and ensure that an accurate version of events is entered into an accident book. Make sure you note the cause of your injury and any lack of hazard warning signs etc. Though it is ideally best to do so, you don’t have to report it immediately – many people are shocked and/or embarrassed and just want to get out of the shop. It’s perfectly reasonable to report it later.  You can return to the store or email them to report the accident and list any injuries.  Provide as much information as possible including date, time and location – you may also want to request that they retain any CCTV footage of the accident.
  2. Witness details. If anyone helps you because you have been injured in a supermarket, try to get their name and contact number if you can. This will greatly help your claim and provide additional evidence to support it.
  3. Photographic evidence. If you are in serious immediate pain and discomfort, you’re unlikely to be thinking about taking a photograph of a wet floor or other hazard. However, if you can take a photo or two of what you slipped or tripped on, it may be really useful in forcing the 3rd party to admit liability.
  4. Medical treatment. Make sure that you see your GP, or attend A&E at the earliest opportunity. As soon as you are aware of any injury that is not simply a minor bruise, you should seek medical attention. To have the best chance of succeeding with a claim, it is important to be able to provide medical evidence.
  5. Expenses. Keep a record of any expenses you incur as a result of injuries. If you have receipts for costs such as prescriptions, taxi fares, parking, care or any other cost you have incurred, you may be able to claim those back. If you are unable to work because of your injuries and do not receive sickness pay, you may well be able to reclaim any lost income alongside a settlement to cover the pain and discomfort caused by your injuries.

How much can you claim for being injured in a supermarket?

The value of any final compensation settlement that you can claim after being injured in a Supermarket is calculated from the severity of the injury, your financial losses and the impact on your quality of life. Our specialist Solicitors will claim for the following on your behalf:

  • The pain and distress caused to you by the injuries sustained
  • Associated costs and losses
  • Lost earnings if you have been away from work as a result of the accident
  • Medical treatments, rehabilitation therapies and post accident care
  • Restrictions on your ability to fulfil your usual activities and social life
  • Miscellaneous expenses (bus fares, painkillers etc)

Compensation amounts for common injuries after a fall

Most Supermarket claims arise after someone is injured in a fall, so below we’ve listed some values for common fall injuries based on guidelines issued by the courts:

Type of injuryCompensation amount
Neck injury£2,000 - £140,000
Minor brain or head injury£2,070 - £11,980
Finger injury£4,000 - £85,000
Wrist injury£3,310 - £44,690
Hip or pelvis injury£3,710 - £24,950
Fractured forearm£6,190 - £18,020
Permanent back injury£11,730 - £26,050
Serious shoulder injury£11,980 - £18,020
Ankle injury£12,900 - £46,980

What do I need to make a supermarket accident claim?

These are the main criteria you need to check to see if you can claim with our no win no fee Supermarket accident Solicitors:

  • Was the accident the Supermarket’s fault?
  • Did you report the accident and your injuries?
  • Have you sought medical treatment from your GP or hospital?
  • If not, are your injuries still presenting symptoms that your GP can diagnose?

If you haven’t done any of this already, don’t worry, we’re here to help. To see if you can claim after your Supermarket accident, please call our team on 01225 430285, or if you prefer, we can call you back.

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Read on for questions and advice about claiming, plus supermarket injury claim examples...

I slipped and fell as I was walking out of the local Waitrose store and sprained my ankle and rubbed the side of my palm and elbow. I was too embarrassed to stay any longer and walked out with the help of my partner but I was limping as my ankle hurts a lot. The passerby who helped me got up said there’s water on the floor but I’m not too sure as I was too embarrassed to stay any longer. Can I ring the store and obtain a copy of the CCTV footage so we can assess whether we have the position to ask for compensation?

Ian Morris

If you do wish to make a claim, you’ll need to ensure that the incident is reported and that the water on the floor that you allege caused you to fall is noted in that report.

It is understandable that your immediate wish was to depart and go home. Depending on how long ago the incident happened, you may still be able to get this matter recorded within the store accident book. It would definitely be a sensible move to contact tnem (ideally in person) to make a report and request that their CCTV footage be reviewed.


It was raining. I walked into the lidl store from the car park, there was matting initially but when my foot went on the tiled floor I slipped over and hit my head on the door support. I have post concussion headaches for over a month. There was a slippery danger sign by the door I was walking carefully but still slipped? You have no choice if you want to enter store you cannot walk around.
What’s your take on incident?

Ian Morris

The fact that the store staff had placed the sign out does indicate that they were aware of the slip hazard and have attempted to make customers aware of the risk that they face. It is also important to note that there was a mat inside the door to aid in reducing the amount of water being trodden in to the store.

However, simply erecting a hazard warning sign does not in and of itself absolve a business of responsibility should someone go on to sustain injury. To that end, the hazard sign needs to be clearly visible and in an obvious location that indicates where the risk of injury is present. Also, the matting placed down needs to be sufficient to cope with the amount of footfall that would be expected to pass across the same.

Our initial view of your accident is that you may face difficulty in establishing that the alleged defendant has been negligent – unless you are of the view that the hazard sign was not clearly marking the area of risk. The courts would find that on a rainy day, there is very little that the store in question could do to prevent customers from treading rain water in to the store. Therefore, unless the hazard sign was not clearly visible or excessive water was pooling on the tiled floor within the store, you are unlikely to have a valid claim.


I slipped on a wet floor entering a supermarket the staff witnessed what happened. I have reported the matter to the supermarket customer service today. I have been to the doctor and he diagnosed torn ligaments and swelling in my knee which I twisted. What do I do now?

Ian Morris

Please call us on 01225430285 so that we can help you pursue a claim for the torn ligaments and damage to the knee you sustained in the fall on the wet floor. Our initial view is that you have a valid claim that warrants further pursuit by our specialist Solicitors. You have protected your interests by reporting the accident with the supermarket staff and seeking medical attention. The injury you have sustained is a nasty one that will take some time to heal and will impact on your mobility and usual activities for a while, so it is perfectly reasonable to pursue a claim for compensation.


I was in tesco in eastbourne today 24/12/19 i had gone through tesco checkout and slipped and fell over on what looked like the remains of a piece of fruit, i fell resulting in me hurting my knee my hip and elbow. Luckily i didnt fall flat on my back as 2 years ago i had a spinal fusion which hasnt fused.

Ian Morris

Was the accident reported in the store accident book? We would be happy to further investigate this matter as a claim for you and invite you to call our team on 01225430285.


I was in aldi supermarket on the 23-12-2019 doing last minute xmas shopping, my wife went to the till queue, I went to change a box of eggs as one was broken, on my way back to my wife, i slipped on what appeared to be a fresh orange that had been squashed, and the juice was spread over the floor. Fell to the floor hurting my elbow and knee, I informed the till lady who informed her manager she then put some yellow cones on the floor to inform other customers. I was helped up off the floor by some kind customers, the manager gave me a incident form to fill in she said just put down briefly how it happened and sign it, then as a good will gesture offered us a bottle of wine and a few bottles of beer. Is this worth putting a claim as negligence or not?

Ian Morris

If your knee and elbow remain sore and uncomfortable, you have every right to make a claim for compensation.

The Manager acted correctly in putting cones out after your fall and recording the incident so if you would like to make a claim, our team will help you start the process.


I tripped over a mat in the lobby of a supermarket. It had been placed apparently to make the floor safer as it was raining outside. I fell, headfirst, causing a bad cut on my head. The staff were very helpful and even called an ambulance (this was cancelled by me due to high demand and my fall bring low priority) I did seek medical attention at Urgent Care. I have suffered headaches and have facial bruising. I have been advised to seek compensation. Can you advise what is the best way?

Ian Morris

The best way to start your claim is to call our team on 01225430285 or use the ‘start a claim‘ form on our website. We can help you through the process and look forward to hearing from you.


I was in Tesco, I caught my leg on a piece of metal sticking out of the end of an isle. I reported it to management & they took my details. The metal has now been bent in one side & a box of fruit put in front of the other side. I have a graze a bump & a bruise just under my knee on my right leg. This is the second time I have reported an incident with this Tesco. About 2 years ago I caught my coat on a fruit container in the isle & it made a hole in my coat.

Ian Morris

Certainly, the cause of your recent injury where your leg was damaged by the protruding piece of metal would be an issue for which it should be possible to hold the Supermarket liable. Allowing a piece of metal to stick out in to a walk way/customer area is clearly negligent and it is important that you have reported the incident and that an accident book record was completed.

On liability, you have the right to make a claim. We must now consider whether your injuries are sufficiently serious to warrant making a claim. You mention a graze, bump and bruise. If these injuries are serious enough to require a Doctors visit or medical attention, then you can pursue a claim. If they are largely superficial, it would probably be the case that they are not serious enough to pursue a claim.


I picked a bottle up in Lidl, I felt pain in my finger, I looked and there was a shard of glass sticking out, it bled a lot, 2 chaps that worked there saw the bottle was damaged one got the glass out, put my finger under water had nothing to clean it with wrapped 2 plasters so tight, I went to a walk in centre had it cleaned and bandaged it was only a tiny wound. I found out they have no first aiders, they were just workers, is it true they don’t need first aider?

Ian Morris

There is no specific law requiring a 1st aid qualified member of staff be on duty in such an environment.


I was shopping in a supermarket and when passing the aisle where the oils are kept I slipped on some oil that was spilt on the floor and fell on the left side of my body. Hitting my head on the floor as well. All the Olive oils in glass bottles then proceeded to fall off the shelves and barely missed me. I was submerged in oil and could not move as I was in a lot of pain. There was no yellow hazard sign or a member of staff standing over the spillage. Eventually I was picked up by the staff and they reported the accident in an accident book. Do I have a case?

Ian Morris

You have every right to make a claim for personal injury compensation given the nature of your accident and the possible negligence on the part of the supermarket in question.

Our team will be happy to help you to make your claim for compensation.


I have slipped outside Tesco on their paving slabs which have no grip and have a coat of algae/moss on them and are very unsafe when wet. I was seen by there 1st aider whilst waiting for the ambulance and the accident was reported with store and is on cctv. I am now having surgery for a dislocated shattered knee cap and will be off work a minimum of 12 weeks and extensive physio. Are they liable?

Ian Morris

In previous claims after slipping on paving surfaces that have been allowed to develop potentially hazardous coverings of algae and moss, many have succeeded and in your case we would be very happy to pursue a claim for you.

Whether a claim for personal injury compensation will succeed or fail relates to whether or not the risk of injury was foreseeable. In this case, paving slabs left covered in algae or moss would be a foreseeable risk of being a slipping hazard and the store management should have taken that in to account and either had the surface cleaned or cordoned off. Your rights have been protected somewhat by the details of the incident being recorded in the store accident book and that it is recorded on CCTV. Whilst your mobility is impaired at this time, it would be prudent – if you can arrange it – for someone to attend the accident site and obtain photographs of the algae and moss covered slabs that caused you to slip.

Given the extent of your injury, the lengthy recovery period and possible long term consequences of such an injury, if you were to succeed, your compensation settlement would reflect the same and you would also be able to recover any lost income and medical costs.


I slipped in b&m and hurt my back and arm, they’re offering £100 in vouchers but no liability, should I accept?

Ian Morris

The £100 vouchers can be accepted if they are being offered as a goodwill gesture and apology. However, if the store are attempting to get you to accept the vouchers in settlement of a claim, you should decline.

Without knowing the cause of your slip or the specifics of the incident, my initial view is that you are likely to have a valid claim and we would like to discuss this further with you.


I slipped on the floor in an Asda store, someone had split some coke and I went flying, can I get compensated?

Ian Morris

You have a right to make a claim for slipping accident compensation. We can help you with this and would do so on a No Win No Fee basis. Your claim will succeed if we can demonstrate that the store staff had failed to clean the spillage up and if it had been on the floor for long enough for them to have done so.


Hi went to Tesco for early morning shopping and I fell on the floor due to it being a slippery floor next to the freezer. I was helped by one of the staff members to get up.

I went to customer service to report the incident and the first aider was called to check me and the manager took statement and we both did the incident report on the phone. I was in lot pain after I’ve left the store and ended up in A&E where I checked but nothing is broken yet but all my left side is painful and sometimes it has got tingling and numbness.
What advice can you give me please?

Ian Morris

If the floor was wet because the freezer was leaking or slippery due to an unmarked hazard (no hazard sign) you have a valid claim and every right to take action on No Win No Fee basis and make a claim for compensation.

We would be happy to help you make your claim via our specialist expert Solicitors.


I fell in a supermarket at the end of January this year and I damaged my shoulder and I still under the physio.

I instructed a local firm to deal with the claim and the supermarket sent back a signed job sheet that the floor was cleaned 10 minutes before I fell, so now my solicitor isn’t prepared to go further with my claim. My thoughts are that anyone can sign a job sheet, but that doesn’t mean that they actioned it.

I am self employed and was off work 6 weeks, which has hit me financially as I am also a carer. My work has been affected hugely.

Please advise as I feel that my solicitor acted too slowly to get the cctv footage. The Solicitor is simply going on the supermarkets word that the accident was not covered by cctv, which I find hard to believe since I fell at the tills – where you’d think cameras would be aimed.

A staff member on the check outs saw the accident, but no staff came over to help me so no accident book was filled out until I emailed the head office a couple days later.

I feel extremely deflated because this was a genuine fall and my medical records and scans show that I damaged my shoulder. Is there anything further I can do?

Ian Morris

Whilst you are right in asserting that there is a possibility that a cleaning report/record could be falsified, you have no evidence to support an allegation that this has happened in your case.

Your Solicitor would be acting on a No Win No Fee basis and will only receive payment for the work that they undertake on your claim for compensation if they are able to succeed for you. Therefore, they would not close your claim if they felt that the defence raised by the defendant insurer was not likely to be upheld by a court – should the claim be pursued further.

In your case, your Solicitor has sadly taken the correct action in that they are not in possession of any evidence to support your claim further. The courts have previously found that as long as a store can demonstrate that they have a regular cleaning and inspection regime, with the store areas being checked for hazards regularly, they will not be liable for an accident. Therefore in your case, it would seem that the supermarket are strong in their defence.


Hi I’ve been offered a £150 settlement by Iceland for a bang on my head. Items fell off one of the freezers through over stacking the shelves on the top – their staff’s fault.

Ian Morris

£150 is a very small offer of compensation and it is clear that you have not been represented by a specialist Personal Injury Solicitor. Liability would appear to be something that will be achieved in your claim due to the over stacking of the shelving. Depending on the severity of the symptoms caused to you by the bang to your head, the compensation award appropriate for such an injury could be far higher.


I was shopping in Morrison’s tonight with my 10 year old daughter. At the end of the freezer aisle, I slipped and landed in a large puddle of water. Two members of staff came, and told me the freezer was leaking, and that there had been some basket stands around the puddle, but that someone must have moved them. One of the members of staff came back with a manager and the accident book.

Ian Morris

The scenario you describe regarding your slip and fall is a matter where I would expect it to be likely that liability would attach if you were to pursue a claim. It is good to note that an accident book entry was made as that will provide evidence to support any claim in that there can be no argument that there was not an incident at the store in question. Clearly, the store were aware of a hazard and had attempted to ‘block’ the area off with basket stands. However, basket stands are not really an adequate way of warning of a hazard and the area should have been clearly marked with hazard warning markers.


Earlier tonight I slipped and fell on a wet substance on the floor of a supermarket. Another shopper stopped to help me up. I was embarrassed and thought I felt alright to get up although I did feel some discomfort and soreness when I started walking. I did not report this due to thinking I was alright but now 4 hours later my whole body is in agony especially my back. Can I claim if I didn’t report it? I believe there should be CCTV.

Ian Morris

The lack of a report would not prevent you from claiming but it does make defending any claim easier for the insurers of the supermarket in question. We would strongly recommend that you return to the store at the earliest opportunity or telephone them to discuss what happened and ask them to record it. They should have CCTV in place and that could be checked – but you’ll need to report the accident to ensure that any CCTV footage is retained.


I slipped on some water at the supermarket which has caused a fracture in my second toe and severe back pain. The company has accepted liability for this accident but should I inform them first I am seeking legal advice before my appointment?

Ian Morris

Have you instructed a specialist Solicitor to represent you on a No Win No Fee basis and claim compensation for your injuries? If not, please call us on 01225430285 and we’ll help you further in this process.

You do not need to inform any party that you are making a claim for compensation or seeking legal advice.


Today I was waiting in front of the hot counter at Sainburys to be served when a huge plastic panel with metal frame fell from the ceiling and hit me in the head and nose. I was in a utter shock and very shaken as I am a petite woman. I would have been knocked on to the floor but thankfully my partner was right beside me to hold me and help.

I was very scared and in pain and could not understand what has happened. I was crying loudly and in distress. My partner and employees made me sit on a chair and called for an Ambulance. My blood pressure is quite high since and feel very week.

Ian Morris

The way in which you were injured certainly warrants making a claim for compensation and we can help you with this if you give us a call.


I was walking around Waitrose last Friday morning the next minute I was on the floor a staff member helped me up and we saw there was water on the floor but no sign. My hand came up with a bruise straight away and I took a picture, they put it in the accident book and said they would ring me but I’ve heard nothing at all. I went to the walk in centre at the hospital they said my arm muscles are very bruised. I have today received a £20 voucher from them as an apology, is this acceptable? I spoke to a lady that works in there and she said that they looked at the cctv and it was from the staff pushing the plants that go outside and water fell on the floor

Chat with us for friendly, expert advice 01225 430285