If you have been diagnosed with a health condition that is linked to your working life, you have the right to make a claim for industrial illness or injury compensation on a no win no fee basis. A successful claim for industrial disease compensation can provide a settlement that can help cover the fact that a claimants ill health leaves them unable to work. People in such circumstances can also claim disability benefits.
Claims can be made when the illness is diagnosed and linked to the work you performed during your working life, the conditions in which you were working and the level of health and safety management of your workplace at the time. Common claims for industrial illnesses or injury compensation include: stress, asbestosis, industrial deafness, asthma, chronic bronchitis, mesothelioma, pneumoconiosis, tenosynovitis, tendonitis, and silicosis.
Industrial deafness claims are made when people suffer a loss of hearing, usually in later life which was caused by being exposed to excessive noise at work without provision of ear defenders or advice to use such protection. To make a claim for industrial deafness compensation, claimants will need to have a hearing test that checks their level of hearing loss and can provide the relevant medical evidence to support a claim. Claims can be made years after leaving your employment when a diagnosis has been made. Claims can even be made if a company has ceased trading, merged or gone in to administration.
A well known industrial illness that leads to claims for compensation arises from exposure to asbestos particles without protective breathing apparatus. This condition is called mesothelioma, an aggressive and often terminal cancer. One good bit of news for mesothelioma sufferers came when a court action was made against the government’s decision to enforce a mandatory 25% deduction from compensation settlements towards the costs of the claimants action. The court found in favour of those making claims for mesothelioma compensation and found that they should not have to contribute 25% of any settlement that they receive for their claim towards the costs of the claim. This means that should they win, they can retain 100% of any settlement awarded to them.
If you or a family member has been diagnosed with an industrial injury or illness, there is a legal right to make a claim for compensation. If this applies to you, don’t delay your claim. Contact us today and let us help you get the right expert solicitor to pursue a claim for compensation for you.
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