Accident At Work Compensation Claims – Your Questions Answered

75 questions have been answered below

Here you can find some examples of work accident claims, our advice on whether we think the claim has a good chance of success and what to do next.

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Read on for questions and advice about claiming...

Hi 8 of august last year 2015 I had an accident at work and received 11 stitches on my left arm I thought it wouldn’t be a problem but it really is now, also received 2 more stitches at the same place of work only a couple of months ago on the same arm near the wrist, just wondering cud u give me any advice, have I left it too long to do anything or would I be entitled to something? Thank you.

Ian Morris


You have certainly not left it too long. If you want to make a claim for compensation after an accident at work, you have a period of 3 years from the date of the accident in which you are able to pursue a claim. If you leave it longer than 3 years, you will be statute barred and unable to take action.

Given that you had an injury on 8th August 2015, you would have until the 8th August 2018 to pursue a claim. We would be very happy to talk over the details of your workplace accidents with you so that we could then ascertain whether or not you would be able to pursue a claim for compensation. Please call us on 01225430285 – a quick 5 minute chat would enable us to explain your rights and help you to pursue a claim for compensation.


I hurt my back several times last year due to the work I perform. I had a car accident 4 years ago and my boss blames that accident for my back injuries. My primary care physician says that my back problem is not at all related to the accident but rather is due to long hours standing at work. I was referred to physical therapy and I was given a medical clearance to work as long as I keep up with the physical therapy. My boss ignores what my doctor says and keeps saying that my problem was caused by the accident so he is not responsible for that. He recently fired me saying that I could become a liability for him. What can I do?

Ian Morris

Your employers point of view/opinion is irrelevant – if a physician/Doctor has linked your back pain symptoms to the nature of the work you perform.

As your Doctor has drawn a link between the two (your symptoms and your work) you need to speak with your employer to see if they can do anything to change your work station/job role to one that doesn’t cause these problems. Further, and perhaps most importantly, if your back pain has been developed as a result of employer negligence, such as a lack of manual handling/lifting training or the failure to provide adequate and correct assistance with the work, you should pursue a claim for compensation to cover the pain, discomfort and injury caused to you by your work.

I hope this helps.


Hi, I have recently had a accident at work. I was cleaning up some glass that someone had left in the stock cupboard, on the cupboard someone had put a 6ft banquet table (legs folded down) to get all the glass up I had to move the table (the table shouldn’t of been left in the cupboard) as I moved the table the table collapsed on me causing me to be trapped. I was trapped down the left side of my body. I was trapped under the table for 20 minutes before one of my colleagues found me. I was taken by ambulance to my nearest hospital and spent 3 days in hospital having X-rays, scans and ct scans thinking I had internal bleeding. Luckily I didn’t and I have severe bruising to my muscles and tissue under my rib cage and in my stomach. Doctor has given me 2 weeks off work. The problem is I am only part time so because I don’t work more than 16 hours I’m not entitled to sick pay. Do I have a claim?

Ian Morris

On the basis of what you describe you most certainly have a claim worthy of further pursuit. The fact that you only work 16 hours per week is irrelevant to your rights to claiming compensation.

We would be very happy to assist you with a claim.


Hi I had an accident at work which resulted in me running over my toe with a cage which tore off my big toe nail. I was took to a&e which I had an x ray but nothing was broken but did say I had severe soft tissue damage and of course a lot of pain.
Now I grant that I was pulling the cage that ran over my toe but I believe there is circumstances ie health & safety etc, could you advise please?

Ian Morris

As you may appreciate, it is very difficult for me to advise you as to any possible claim at this stage as I don’t know what caused the cage to roll over your foot and damage your toe. Although you were pulling the cage, you may well still be entitled to compensation for the soft tissue injuries you have sustained if we can demonstrate that your employer has in someway been negligent in their approach to health and safety in the workplace. For example, if the cage that you were pulling was faulty you may have a right to claim compensation or if the cage were overloaded for example. Also, if there are any hazards on the floor of the workplace that could have caused the incident, the employer would be likely to be held liable. Another possible area that requires further attention will be with regards to what footwear the employer requires staff to wear and whether there are any issues with this.

We need to know more, a quick chat on the phone will enable me to get a firm understanding of your injuries and the cause and allow me to ascertain whether or not you have a viable claim for compensation.


I broke my ankle at work 3 weeks ago now and i am in full plaster for another 5 weeks. I stepped on some loose paving and my foot went down the crack and my ankle snapped. The paving has since been filled so i have been told.
I have been off since the 15th of october and the doctor at the hospital has signed me off for 6 weeks on top.
I work for a major nationwide company and they are being really good to me ie i am on full pay at the moment so no problems financially. They also offered me a small amount of money to cover my hospital petrol parking and prescriptions.
Problem i have is i feel i want to claim for my pain and effect it is having on my life at the moment.
I am also worried of what the future might hold for my ankle.
I do worry that putting in a claim could affect my job in the future or how my bosses see me so i do have that worry. I was going to wait until the cast comes off in 5 weeks before going ahead to speak to the doctor and ask him his opinion but i am just confused.
Please could you give me some advice on what to do?
thank you.

Ian Morris

The worries you mention with regards to how your employer would view any possible claim you were to make for accident at work compensation are extremely common. At Direct2Compensation we understand that making a claim against an employer is not always the easiest of things to do when you like the employer and have good relationships with your colleagues and management team. However, you are legally entitled to make a claim for compensation without it having any impact on your right to continue with your position at work.

The fact that you are working for a large nationwide company would indicate that you would not face any problem at all by exercising your right to make a claim against the employers liability insurance cover.

You are fortunate that your employer is treating you kindly and that you are receiving your usual salary at this time. The fact that your employer is offering to help with some small out of pocket expenses is also good and you can accept that without it affecting any claim you may choose to make. The employer is simply keeping their costs down should any claim follow in due course as given that they are paying your salary and helping with costs will mean that any special damages claim you were to make during your accident at work compensation claim will be minimised.

Whilst your employer is paying you in full and helping you with your costs, you should not underestimate the possible long term damage that the triple fracture to your ankle could cause to you. Although being paid in full is great and means that you do not have the stress of managing without your income, it does not provide any cover for what you may struggle with in future. For example, your injury could lead to an ongoing problem with the ankle that will prevent you from being able to work properly in the future or play sports that you are used to doing. It is exactly for this reason that it is so important to ensure that you instruct a specialist Solicitor to pursue your claim for you.

With Direct2Compensation, our specialist accident at work claim Solicitors will ensure that your injuries are fully assessed by a specialist medical expert and that the long term prognosis of the injury is understood. It is from this we can see how much your ankle injury claim is worth and that any settlement that you receive appropriately compensates you for your injuries and losses – both the short term pain and discomfort as well as the long term issues caused by such a serious injury.


I had an accident at work in 2013, where I had two broken legs, a broken wrist and I was in hospital for three months. I’d also hurt my neck, back and have been struggling ever since. On October 2nd 2017, I had the pins removed from my left leg, but I’m still not right and have ongoing pain. I stop-start when walking and I have fallen three times since they were removed.

I have tried to do some types of work, but I can’t bend down without pain and I fall asleep a lot. Standing and sitting are both painful for me. I settled my claim because my solicitor said there was no more that they could do for me as the payment was only about £25,000 short, so I accepted what was offered to me. I just wanted to know if there is anything else that I can do to seek further damages, because I can’t now earn a decent wage because of my disability.

Ian Morris

It is almost impossible to seek further damages after a full and final settlement has been agreed and signed for by a claimant.

In your case, the best thing to do would be to contact your former Solicitor to discuss the matter with them.

You are of course able to seek state benefits and you should investigate your options in that area as it could be that you are deemed to be unfit for work through industrial disablement and entitled to relevant benefits.


Hi, I got injured at work while taking off hot ampules off the conveyor due to the wrong gloves I was given. An ampule got stuck in a guard smashed through the gloves into the index finger. I had to go the hospital for operation to remove a glass foreign body. I have not worked for three months. How much do you think my claim would be worth?

Ian Morris

It is not possible to tell you for certain how much your finger injury claim could be worth without having seen medical evidence and read a medical experts report in to the extent of the injury and whether any long term damage (such as nerve damage) was caused to you.

What we can say is that your claim valuation will increase if your scarring remains visible, if there is any nerve damage or loss of dexterity of the finger due to the scarring. At Direct2Compensation, our specialist Solicitors will ensure that your claim is settled at the maximum possible value and they will also ensure that any lost income and costs incurred by you as a result of your injury and enforced absence from work are recovered for you by way of the special damages element of your claim.


I have suffered a broken hip from an accident at work in Jan 2016. I was thinking that suing my ex-emploer was the way to go, but after reading your transcript, I would prefer you take this on. I have had an insurance co look at this and although they think I have a valid claim, the insurance company will not pay out compensation and the solicitors I used say that the employer was effectively uninsured. What direction should I take? Suing my ex-employer in the courts, going through you or leaving it as a lost cause?

Ian Morris

If the former employer was uninsured, it does make the claims process a little less clear and more complicated for you and any No Win No Fee Solicitor to pursue. However, that doesn’t mean that you should leave it as a lost cause.

We would be more than happy to pass the details of your accident at work to one of our specialist accident at work Solicitors in order that they can evaluate whether or not it is wise to proceed against the former employer in a civil matter. Of course, pursuing the employer directly (rather than claiming against an insurer) means that you are personally claiming against the assets and wealth of the individual or owners or the business for whom you were working. If they do not have the financial wherewithal to fund any claim or costs, the claim would unlikely proceeed. However, if they are wealthy then they can be held personally liable.


Hello, this is a question I have for my mother. She works in a factory and her job consists of standing for 8 to 12 hours in front of a machine bending and catching material. She has been with this company for 15 years. She is now experiencing leg pain due to her varicose veins and venous insufficiency on her legs. Can she file workers compensation?

Thank you.

Ian Morris

Under UK law, employers have a responsibility to minimise the risk of injury in the workplace. The work that your mother does is repetitive and would therefore be something that the employer would have to consider with regards to their risk assessment of each role and the nature of the training that they provide and how they manage adequate breaks from the work and job rotation.

In your Mothers case, it could well be worth making a claim for compensation.


2 weeks ago I had an accident at work I lacerated the top section of my finger and damage under the finger nail.
I work on a golf course and was filling up a sand spreading machine once filled I forgot to turn off the bladed sand spreading discs which are at the back end of the machine and spin at 2000rpm. I brushed some excess sand off the plate just above the spinning discs as I moved my hand back it ripped into my finger also just nicking 2 other fingers.
This injury is on my dominant hand and 2nd finger from my thumb.
I had immediate first aid and reported in accident book and went to Scunthorpe accident & emergency. They cleaned it up and bandaged it and I then had an appointment at hull plastic surgery department next day at hull royal infirmary. They stitched the finger internally and took my finger nail off and stitched under there.
I have to have my finger dressed every week at ancora medical practice .
I am still off work and just got another sick note until August 6th.
I don’t know whether the sand spreading discs needed safety guards on or not or if it was totally my fault?

Ian Morris

There is likely to be an element of contributory negligence in this matter as you did forget to turn off the rotating discs that later caused your injury. As such, you have an element of responsibility to accept. However, you could be on to something with regards to a lack of safety guards on the machinery, which if in place would have prevented your injury.

Our initial view is that you should use our ‘start a claim’ page in order that we can obtain some further information from you and present your claim to our specialist Solicitors who can then advise you further as to whether or not you can mount a successful claim against your employer.


My partner had a serious accident at work, the place of work is a leased building and joins to the landlord next door, there is a fire door which they use to move a genie work platform in and out when they lend it to us. She was duty manager at the time and was asked to arrange to move the genie next door as they needed it back, she has never moved it before, when she got to the door the machine is on wheels and it does not fit through so there is a lever you pull to manoeuvre it. She was looking for the lever and pulled towards her what she thought was the correct thing and the machine tipped onto her. She landed on the floor with the machine on top of her resulting in her leg being crushed and a broken ankle, knee and shin and 2 large open wounds. She was hospitalised and operated on and now has a plate and a rod in her leg and is also suffering mentally from the trauma of this.

Ian Morris

The accident you describe and the subsequent injuries sustained by your partner indicate to me that there should be further investigation with a view to making a claim for personal injury compensation . The ‘genie’ item you mention clearly poses a risk to health and safety if not moved correctly, and as you or your partner had not been trained in how to move the item it is likely that a claim could succeed. Given the severity of the injuries and permanent implications that surgery to the leg and metal work within the bone structure presents, this claim could have a substantial settlement value if successful.


Pushing a trolley full of items to be put back in departments when a wheel fell off causing trolley to tip and hitting me on the knee causing severe bruising to knee cap. Haven’t gone in the next day as it was swollen and uncomfortable to walk on especially stairs. I don’t think I will suffer too long with the injury. I filled in accident report form in work and am also in the retail union. Should I make a claim?

Ian Morris

The scenario you describe regarding the cause of your injury at work would certainly warrant making a claim for compensation and you would have good prospects of succeeding on the basis of liability in this matter.

In order to instruct a Solicitor to act for you in this matter, you will need to have an injury that is sufficiently serious. Whilst you currently think that you will not suffer for too long with this injury, we often find that many claimants suffer for a lot longer than they think – especially with knee injuries. The knee is a complex joint and to work properly you must be pain free and able to weight bear, walk properly and kneel on the injured knee without pain. I would imagine that it will be some days yet before you can do this given the swelling you report.

To this end, we would welcome you to make further contact with us to discuss this matter. You can call us on 01225430285 or use our start a claim page to send us your details.


Had a cut to my left leg, which needed glueing, and bruising to the pad of my right hand after falling while pushing a cage full of alcohol up an uneven and angled tailgate whilst in work. I was lone worker at the time. I reported this was unsafe to ex manager prior, who said it wasn’t. Another supervisor had said it wasn’t safe when he helped out once, but was told to carry on doing it or the customer would cancel their order. I carried on doing it so no hassle came to me or business.
I was dismissed over another H&S issue a week later, which was overturned by the Union i was with.
I have pics of the cages, tail lift angle etc as well as pic of cut and bruising.
Any advice I’d be grateful.

Ian Morris

Given the fact that the area and working arrangements had been reported as unsafe previously, the employer was on notice of a possible danger. As such, their failure to make any amendments to this could put them in the position of being negligent and therefore liable for your injuries.

My initial view is that we should pursue a claim against them for you. You can call us on 01225430285 or use our ‘start a claim’ page to send us your contact details so that we can help you get your No Win No Fee claim for compensation started.


The first step towards claiming compensation from my employer is sending them work accident claim letter. My simple question is : Can I submit such letter without solicitor involved? And if I can, can you give me work accident claim letter template?
Thank you very much for your help.

Ian Morris

We do not have a template to provide. However, in theory you can pursue a claim directly without legal representation. However, evidence would indicate that pursuing a claim against a professional insurance company (who would be the defendant) without expert legal representation, is likely to see you have a less satifactory outcome than if you opted to have proper representation.

Instructing a specialist Solicitor to act for you in a claim for personal injury compensation has clear benefits. Specialist Solicitors know the law, know how to ensure that a defendant is forced to accept liability and how to ensure that the best interests of their client are met. A specialist Personal Injury compensation Solicitor will know the correct settlement valuation that a claimant ought to accept and will ensure that the claimant is not taken advantage of by the specialist legal team working for the defendant insurer.


I have developed occipital neuralgia because of heavy equipment at work and now have to see a neurologist. I also have a ache in my back and tender neck.

Ian Morris

Has your Doctor confirmed that the condition has been caused by the work you do? If so and if your employer has failed to provide you with adequate training and guidance with regards to manual handling and safe lifting of heavy items, you could seek to make a claim for compensation.


Hi. I had a double hernia which was operated on last year. I am sure this was to do with my job. I work for Boc Gases delivering heavy gas cylinders. However I didn’t fill out any accident book and my employer says I can’t prove I did this at work.
After my op I had a few complications but have now been signed fit. However my employer thinks differently and is not letting me back to work yet. This has now been going on some time and although I was receiving sick pay for a while it has now run out. I haven’t had any wages now since September last year. I don’t know what to do now.. I am having to use savings to live but they are running out. My employer says I’m not allowed to work for anyone else while this goes on. The union aren’t being much help either.
Would I have a case to sue for loss of earnings?

Ian Morris

You could potentially claim for loss of earnings. The issue you have is proving the causal link between your work and the hernia injuries that you have had to have surgery on. Of course, you could speak to your GP to see if they are willing to list the hernias as being caused by your work. If so, that would provide some impetus to pursue a claim against the employer, although the employer would likely defend this as there is no specific supporting evidence – no one off incident and no accident book report.

The other issue you need to consider is the training or actions your employer has taken in order to minimise the risk of injury to you at work. If you believe that you were not provided with the right training, the right equipment to work safely or a working environment that makes safe working impossible, you should contact us to further discuss your situation.


I was injured at work last year and have now found out that at the time there were no employee or public liability certificate up to date. Can i still claim?

Ian Morris

Yes, if the employer failed to get the correct insurance in place, the Directors of the business are at fault and it is possible to pursue a claim against them directly.

Our Solicitors have undertaken such claims in the past and whilst it is harder and less straightforward to pursue a claim against an individual rather than an insurer, it is possible should the individual have the personal wealth to enable a settlement to be obtained.


I was wondering if make a claim for loss of earnings due to a accident I had at work slipping on hydraulic oil on the floor without any signs over the floor or nothing. I then reported it in accident book and I had to have three days off with a bad back, I went to gp was told take painkillers unless got worse go hospital. I have photographic evidence with the oil on the floor in big patches down a warehouse aisle, my Manager then lied to me the next week I was back saying he was paying me my basic rate and pay I lost to make me work. I feel stressed alarmed and treated unfairly.

Ian Morris

You describe a slipping accident scenario that would lead me to have an initial view that you do have a strong and valid claim for compensation. Hydraulic oil on the floor would clearly present a slipping hazard and the lack of signage to warn of this would potentially place the employer in breach of their obligations towards health and safety in the workplace.

We would be happy to pursue this for you and have our specialist Solicitors investigate your claim on a No Win No Fee basis.


Hello,I fell inside a tarp container which had plastic covering on top because of negligence on behalf of my employers crane operator. I was pushed down by the 24,000-34,0000 pound container causing me to fall inside almost entirely. I scarred tissue on my right side hip and back. I have been off from work for two months. I have been receiving physical therapy and over the counter pain reliever prescriptions from the doctor. I am on workers compensation however it is hardly enough to pay my bills. Do i have a claim?

Ian Morris

Under UK law, it would appear that you have a valid claim for accident at work compensation. If you have not already done so, it would be a sensible move to ensure that a full report of the accident is recorded with the employer in their accident book and this is also a matter that ought to be brought to the attention of the Health and Safety Executive.


I had an accident in the kitchen at work yesterday. I was cooking as head chef and an external company were breaking down an old walk-in fridge and they kicked a large industrial ladder which hit me hard in the back and knocked me onto the cooker.

Ian Morris

The incident you describe would appear to be something for which you could seek to claim personal injury compensation for – as long as you have been sufficiently injured and have sought medical treatment.

To protect your interests, ensure that an accident book report was completed and that the details of any injury you have sustained is noted.


I suffered an injury to my back working for my ex employer. I never received manual handling training and I was lifting up to 25kg onto a high table for months. Everything went into the accident book. since the injury I worked here for 6 months then got sacked for breach of misconduct. Since this I have been on sick for back pain. I have just found out the company has gone into liquidation. Am I able to sue for loss of earnings since? And existing pain and suffering?

Ian Morris

Liability wise, you have a valid claim and should pursue it as long as the back injury happened less than 3 years ago. Recovering lost earnings would usually be part of the claim. The fact that the company is now liquidated could be a problem but that shouldn’t stop you from looking further in to this.


I was climbing on a commercial vehicle chassis at work and slipped and hurt my leg. Could I make a personal injury claim, or was it my fault?

Ian Morris

Whether or not it was your fault will depend on why you were climbing on the wagon and whether the employer should have provided training or other safety equipment to reduce the risk of you falling or suffering injury.


Hi I broke the fall of a colleague at work who fainted, as a result I pulled my back and want to know is this my own fault or is it classed as an accident at work?

Ian Morris

Unfortunately, there is not likely to be any way that you could pursue a claim for compensation in this scenario. There is no employer negligence and as such, although you were injured whilst attempting to help a colleague in distress, you cannot seek redress.


My name is James I got hurt at work stacking traffic cones on a moving trailer in the rain. I fractured my ankle notified the Foreman as soon as it happened. Went to urgent care they said it was fractured. Doctor advised me to stay off ankle until I see a orthopedist. Told my employer he advised me to come in the next morning and just sit in a chair for 8 hours a day because he doesn’t want any lost time. Now that I’ve seen the orthopaedic I can’t return back to work until I see him in 3 weeks. So I’ll be sitting 3 more weeks in our shop. My question is, is my employer supposed to compensate me for this injury?

Ian Morris

Your employer will only compensate you if you succeed with a claim for compensation against their insurers for the injury you sustained to your ankle. Our initial view is that there is certainly a possible claim.


Hi I was just wondering if I had a valid claim. I was unloading a pallet in to a trolley to be transported on to the shop floor. As I was stepping on and off the pallet to retrieve the goods, I fell off the pallet and twisted my ankle resulting in a trip to A&E where I found out I had a badly sprained ankle. Had to take two weeks off work. Even now over a month later my ankle still swells up causing me to limp and I can’t straighten my foot completely. When I got back to work I had to sign a form saying not to step on to the pallets. I would appreciate if u could give me info on if I have a claim or whether it is just my fault?

Ian Morris

There may well be a valid claim here for you. The employer has clearly realised that stepping on and off pallets is a risk to health and have now informed you of that and asked you NOT to do so again. However, there is an argument that they should have provided this guidance and prevented such actions BEFORE you sustained your injury.

We would like to further investigate whether or not you can make a claim.


Good morning. I worked as a domestic in hospital. Due to repetitive and constant movement of wrist ( cloth holding, mop, cleaning) I have now right wrist injury. It started all in may last year. Had physio but no joy. Went to emergency department in january and been sent off work when my wrist got really bad. I had several appointments with gp, occupational health and orthopaedic surgeon where everyone thinks that it is carpal tunnel injury. Supposed to have nerve tests to confirm it but all been postponed for now. I feel as well as I didn’t have proper moving and handling or other trainings at work. All I had was 1 and half hour of induction where I was briefly shown things. I wonder if I have a chance for a claim of work related injury? It’s a right hand and I find it difficult to grip and hold things in my hand for longer, still getting pins and needles at night and in day, when my wrist is bad I cannot even drive or do every day tasks as I am right handed. Could I have any information please? Thank you, Aleksandra

Ian Morris

On the basis of your description of the injury you have sustained and the work you undertake, there is a possibility that you may be able to claim carpal tunnel compensation against your employer. However, without seeking specialist advice from our expert Solicitors who specialise in such claim scenarios (repetitive strain etc), it is not possible to be certain. However, our initial view is that you should make a claim.


A colleague used improper cleaning methods in a kitchen at work and as a result I slipped on boiling water, causing severe burns to my foot and ankle where there was no wet floor sign, and also banged my head very hard on the floor. I had to have 2 weeks off work and had to push my employer to even pay me SSP. Do I have a claim?

Ian Morris

You absolutely have a valid claim for personal injury compensation. The cause of you slipping and sustaining injury would appear to be due to more than one negligent action, so it would appear to be a strong claim.


Hi there was a care plan but it wasn’t up to date. They where awaiting a doctors report which came after the event.

Ian Morris

As the care plan was not up to date, it does open the possibility of pursuing a claim for compensation.


I suffered a neck injury at work which saw me off work for three months. I am still in pain and I have paid over £800 for physiotherapy and have loss of earnings causing me to fall into rent arrears.

I have been diagnosed with PTSD and was referred to physiotherapy. I am finding it very hard to work and I feel like my life has been affected as I may not be as fit as I was or be able to do my job properly again in the future.

Ian Morris

Our specialist Solicitors will be able to advise you as to the potential to recover the costs you have incurred in private physiotherapy and lost income as well as obtaining compensation for the pain and discomfort caused to you in the incident that led to your injury.


Hi, my friend was injured at work an he is still suffering, he had told people at work even his H&S manager that his ppe was not good and needs a different style boot as the sole was a slip hazard. Is it his own fault for wearing them or his employers failing to give suitable footwear?

Ian Morris

As an issue had been raised with the employer regarding the possible risk of injury, the employer was ‘on notice’ of an issue and whilst that doesn’t necessarily mean that they needed to change the PPE footwear, it did require that they at least investigate the issue and consider whether they had provided the appropriate ppe.

As they appeared not to have done anything, there is certainly a right for a claim to be pursued.


Do I have to deal directly with the Insurance Company of my workplace to claim compensation? or is it my employer’s responsibility?

Ian Morris

If you are making a claim after an accident at work, your claim would be dealt with by your employers insurers. Making a claim against an employer does not directly impact the employers business or any colleagues so you should not be concerned about taking legitimate action to ensure that your rights are upheld and that any losses or injuries are appropriately compensated.


I’ve had a accident at work Blackpool council. There was no induction nothing when I started. While i was working on highways doing man holes I was putting the wacker plate back on the van there wasn’t a rench on the van to pull it up by health and safety guide there should be one. I felt a twitch in my knee. After weeks of pain and going off sick I finally got my mri and got my results, I’ve ripped a tendon in my cartilage and need an operation on the knee. I am still on probation here – can I claim and still keep my job, or will they sack me?

Ian Morris

You have a legal right to make a claim and you cannot be dismissed or lose your job for taking legitimate legal action to claim compensation.

Given the employers failure to provide you with the appropriate training or the equipment needed to enable you to work safely, you appear to have a valid claim that should be pursued. We would like to speak with you to offer further help to you.


I had an accident at work. A heavy weight fell on to my head. My employer sent me to Hospital, where a Doctor saw me and I was then advised to rest for 7 days. I went back to work and they were asking me to come to work the next day. My answer was no because I was dizzy and had a headache. I asked them whether I would be paid for the days which I can’t work and would be at home. The employer started laughing and their answer was “we don’t know”! What can I do?

Ian Morris

You are entitled to pursue a claim for compensation against the insurance cover that your employer has to have and we can help you to do this on a No Win No Fee basis. If successful with your claim, we’ll recover compensation for the pain and discomfort caused by your injury and if your employer doesn’t pay you whilst you can’t do your usual work, our Solicitors will also recover your lost income when settling your claim.


Hi I had an accident at work dislocated my ankle and broke my tibia an fibula, needing plates in my leg and a stay of 8 days in hospital. This is a life changing injury that I have. I have tried to claim with other solicitors, but because I had PPE on, they say I can’t claim. Can you help?

Ian Morris

As the employer has provided the required PPE, we can’t claim against them on that issue. However, there may still be grounds to pursue a claim if we can establish that they have failed to adequately risk assess the work you were doing or remove the risk of a foreseeable injury. With this in mind, we need to know more about the work you were doing and how you came to sustain the serious injury to your lower leg.

It would be helpful if you could respond to our reply to explain the work you were doing at the time of the accident and how you were injured. Also, please advise where and when the injury occurred. It would also help if you could confirm whether or not you were appropriately trained to perform the duties you were tasked with at the time of the injury.

We can then advise you further regarding any potential claim for compensation.


I suffered a break to my ankle and needed surgery as a result of an accident at work. This was 2 years ago. Do I still have a right to claim? Can I lose my job for doing so?

Ian Morris

You have up to 3 years from the date of an accident to make a claim for personal injury compensation, so you are within time and should act quickly to start your claim given that we have just 12 months remaining. 12 months is plenty of time for our specialist Solicitor to build a robust case for you, but it is important to get the ball rolling asap if you are to make a claim.

An employer cannot legally dismiss an employee, terminate their position, reduce their hours or discriminate against them for pursuing a legitimate claim so you need to not worry about your employment. Indeed, your colleagues would not even know you had made a claim unless you informed them and any claim is against your employers mandatory insurance cover rather than the owner of the business directly.


Hi I had an accident at work where an engineer left a cable across the floor plugged into an extension cable then plugged into the wall. I tripped leaving me with a swollen left elbow black eye right knee injury and a tight rotator cuff injury. Do I have a claim? I have been absent from work for 6 weeks now.

Ian Morris

This is a matter our specialist Solicitors can assist you with. You were caused injury by an avoidable tripping hazard that should not have been present. Please call us on 01225430285 so that we can advise you further.


I work for NHS collecting and delivering cages full of laundry. I handle around 200 + cages every evening. Some are overloaded ( bags of dirty laundry higher than the cage and the cage door isn’t closed and can’t close ( i have to push them backwards with the open door facing me and swivel wheels facing me) Some cages the wheels don’t work properly and the cage goes off to one side and some clean laundry cages have a mixture of all above and if the door won’t close they wrap cling film around the whole cage so there isn’t anywhere to get a grip on the cage. Apparently the cages don’t weigh more than 250KG however i dispute this.
I am off work for the second time in 2 months with hand, wrist and lower arm problems and i am seeing an Orthodontist who has agreed the problems are caused by overloaded cages ( cage doors not closed).
I’ve complained to my boss and refused to move the cages but and am getting nowhere.
What can i do about this problem ?

Ian Morris

Please call us on 01225430285 or use our website to request a call from us as we can assist you with a claim for compensation and recovery of any lost income or costs you have incurred.


Please call us on 01225430285. You can make a claim and it would be against the insurance of the company that clean the cars as they have caused the injury and failed to warn you of the risk. The car cleaning company have responsibility to ensure that the work that they are doing is done safely and that any risks of injury – such as slippery surfaces and wet floors – are warned off with hazard signage etc.

Chat with us for friendly, expert advice 01225 430285