It’s not unethical to claim compensation for personal injuries

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Someone who has suffered a personal injury in an accident that they were not at fault for, and could not have avoided, qualifies to attempt to seek some sort of redress for their pain, suffering and losses by way of making a claim for no win no fee personal injury compensation.  Unfortunately, a number of people fail to exercise their right to pursue a claim and often for reasons other than their own personal choice.  Over the years a number of myths about personal injury compensation and the compensation claims process have been given media coverage and press exposure by those who would rather claimants didn’t make a claim for personal injury compensation.

The ethics of claiming compensation

One of the myths that is often pushed around in the news is that we’re suffering from a compensation culture in this country, that all claimants are looking for a quick financial gain or money for nothing.  When you step back, it’s almost as if the people taking this view think that the victim of the personal injury accident is actually the villain and that the liable party responsible for the incident in which the claimant was injured is the victim of a money grabbing scam to claim compensation.  To put it simply (and I’m sure you’ll agree when you think about it logically) this is completely bonkers.  A compensation settlement is designed to help to ensure that someone is compensated for the pain and distress of the injuries that they have sustained as well as for other things like covering medical costs, loss of income, care fees or alterations to houses and cars.  Whilst the amount of compensation that a 3rd party insurer can sometimes pay out can be large, the fact remains that if their insured hadn’t been negligent and failed to ensure the safety of people using their premises or staff working for them, the person who had suffered the personal injury wouldn’t be making a claim for personal injury compensation.

At Direct2Compensationwe stand firmly behind the right of legitimate claimants and work to ensure that firstly they are linked with a specialist solicitor and that they receive the maximum possible compensation settlement available to them.  We give advice and tips as to how to ensure that the claim is processed as quickly as possible and how best the client can help their solicitor to make the most of their claim.

We make no apology for this stance and believe that it’s important that peoples rights to seek compensation are protected.  It’s never unethical to pursue a claim – as long as it is an honest and legitimate claim.  It’s sad that claimants are often put off from claiming because they are worried that they will be labelled as a cheat or blagger – even though they have been injured through no fault of their own.  If you are worried about the process of claiming personal injury compensation and are not yet confident enough to instruct us or a solicitor, why not contact us.  We would never pressurise anyone to make a claim, but we do know your rights and can explain them to you.  We can inform you of the claims process and let you know whether or not we think you have a claim that is likely to succeed.

Remember, a claimant can only achieve a successful personal injury claim if it can be shown that a 3rd party was negligent and is liable for the injuries sustained.  Claims are made against insurance policies and between your specialist solicitor and the 3rd party insurance legal team, it will be decided whether or not you should receive compensation.  You’ve nothing to lose by making a claim as it costs nothing should your claim fail to win and you will retain the maximum amount of compensation allowed under the new compliant claims process should you succeed.

The only unethical claims would be ones of a fraudulent nature.  At Direct2Compensation we take a dim view of dishonest claims and claimants, indeed we pride ourselves on our ethical approach to personal injury compensation.  Whilst we rely on the honesty of claimants where we have concerns about the integrity of a claim brought to our attention, we have rejected them and refused to work on them.  We’ll do the same in the future too.  Thankfully, fraudulent claims are a very rare occurrence.

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