Face Injury Compensation Claims & Settlement Values

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Facial injuries are often traumatic and can be of many different types. We’ve dealt with claims involving soft tissue injuries, bruising, swelling, lacerations, burns, scarring, fractures and nerve damage. Settlement values can be quite high with injuries that lead to permanent visible disfigurement.

Table of contents:

Common face injury claims

Most commonly, facial injuries are associated with impact trauma as seen in accidents involving a slip, trip or fall, or as the result of a car, cycle or motorbike accident.

With impact trauma, facial injuries can range from severe bruising to fractures, lacerations and damage to the jaw, nerves or teeth.

Facial injuries can also be caused in accidents at work, for example due to defective equipment or the mishandling of hazardous chemicals which can lead to severe chemical burn injuries.

Can I claim compensation for a face injury?

Any person who suffers a facial injury as the result of a non-fault accident, or due to the negligence of an employer or other party, may seek to make a claim for compensation.

In order to make a claim, you’ll need to be able to identify the cause of your accident or injury as being the responsibility of someone else, or due to an act of negligence.

You should make sure that the details of your accident are recorded properly in an accident book or similar incident reporting system, and that appropriate medical attention is sought from a GP or a hospital.

To find out whether you can make a claim for facial injury compensation, speak with our specialist staff. We know your rights and can help you to claim.

How will my settlement be valued?

During the claims process, the extent of the facial injury and its impact upon the claimant will be subjected to an evaluation by a medical expert.

Your specialist solicitor will instruct a medical expert to assess the injury and discuss its impact with the claimant. They will note any long term implications such as visible scarring, nerve damage or impact on eyesight and breathing, and provide a detailed report outlining the long-term prognosis to the solicitor.

The contents of the report will be used to assign an appropriate compensation settlement value for the injury element of the claim, with more serious facial injuries leading to higher compensation settlements. In cases of disfigurement there may also be severe psychological reactions which can be awarded substantial amounts.

The settlement will also include the special damages element of the claim, where any lost income or incurred costs caused by the facial injury will be calculated and recovered.

Compensation amounts for facial injuries

The following is a guide to awards for the injury only, excluding lost income and expenses, so your final compensation amount could be much higher.

Facial bone fractures

Severity of injuryCompensation amount
Le Fort fractures of frontal facial bones£18,100 - £30,720
Multiple fractures of facial bones involving some permanent facial deformity.£11,300 - £20,020

Nose fractures

Severity of injuryCompensation amount
Serious or multiple fractures requiring surgery, with permanent damage and/or facial deformity£8,100 - £19,330
Displaced fracture, with complete recovery after surgery£3,000 - £4,260
Displaced fracture not requiring surgery£1,925 - £2,640
Simple undisplaced fracture with full recovery£1,300 - £2,120

Cheekbone fractures

Severity of injuryCompensation amount
Serious fractures requiring surgery, with lasting consequences£7,750 - £13,200
Simple cheekbone fracture, with complete recovery after surgery and no or minimal cosmetic effects£3,300 - £5,390
Simple cheekbone fracture not requiring surgery£1,775 - £2,500

Jaw fractures

Severity of injuryCompensation amount
Serious multiple fractures requiring surgery, with prolonged treatment and permanent consequences£23,175 - £38,060
Serious jaw fracture with permanent consequences£13,650 - £25,490
Simple fracture requiring immobilisation but with a complete recovery£4,900 - £7,320

Damage to teeth

Severity of injuryCompensation amount
Significant, chronic tooth pain over a number of years with deterioration in teeth conditionUp to £31,900
Loss of, or serious damage to several front teeth£6,650 - £9,540
Loss of, or serious damage to two front teeth£3,300 - £6,380
Loss of, or serious damage to one front teeth£1,675 - £3,300
Loss of, or damage to back teeth (per tooth)£830 - £1,430

Facial disfigurement

Severity of injuryCompensation amount
Very severe scarring, with permanent disfigurement and psychological effects£22,625 - £81,400
Less severe scarring, where disfigurement is still substantial with a significant psychological reaction£13,650 - £40,480
Significant scarring which remains visible at conversational distances£6,925 - £25,160
Less significant scarring which remains visible on close inspection£3,000 - £11,500
Trivial scarring where the effect is minor£1,300 - £2,940

How Direct2Compensation can help

Direct2Compensation work with leading specialist personal injury solicitors who have a proven track record of success in pursuit of claims for facial injury compensation. From the first contact with our expert staff, through the entire claims process, we’ll ensure that you understand your rights and that your claim is being handled professionally.

We want you to focus on recovery and normal life, and not have to worry about your claim. That’s why we’ll ensure that you have the direct contact details for your specialist solicitor and that we are available to answer any queries you may have.

We know your rights and will make sure that your claim has the very best prospects of success, and that any settlement awarded to you appropriately compensates you for the pain and distress caused to you by your facial injury.

How do I start my claim?

Starting your claim for facial injury compensation with Direct2Compensation is easy. We know that you may have concerns or questions to discuss with us, and our experienced staff have the right expertise to guide you through the start of your claim.

You can call our friendly and helpful staff on 01225 430285 or get your claim started online today. We take pride in making sure that you feel understood and look forward to helping you make your claim.

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Comments & Questions

Read on for questions and advice about claiming, plus face injury claim examples...

Hi – I had plastic surgery to reduce my oversized ear lobes and have ended up without one earlobe and the other is deformed. What kind (range) of compensation can I expect and can I get additional costs to get further surgery to correct it?

Ian Morris

If you have not already started a claim, please contact us. We have specialist Solicitors who will be able to professionally represent you on a No Win No Fee basis to ensure maximum compensation for your injuries and losses.

It is impossible and more importantly unhelpful at this stage to suggest compensation values. It is very easy to give misleading suggestions without knowing the full facts of the matter, but given your description of the deformity you’re left with and loss of an earlobe, it is likely that your claim settlement could be high value and yes, you would be entitled to seek recovery of medical costs for remedial treatments to improve the situation.


During work at a restaurant, we were empty and I had nothing to do, so I went to polish a disco ball. On the top shelf there were construction equipment & tools with drills etc. However, when I was taking the polish etc, the drill fell from the shelf on to me, leaving me with a black eye and small cut right under my eye lid just a few millimetres from my eye. What kind of insurance compensation I can get in that case?

Ian Morris

Our Solicitors can make a claim against your employers insurance on a No Win No Fee basis for the pain and distress caused to you in this incident. The value of the settlement will depend on the extent of the injury and what level of scarring remains and for how long that scarring remains visible. As you can imagine, if a permanent scar is left as a result of the drill falling on to your face, the value of the claim will be increased. You can also recover lost income or other costs caused by the injury.

Please call us on 01225430285 or use our website to contact us to start your claim for compensation.


When walking through the car park at work I tripped on some broken bricks and a raised drain which has now been repaired. I was taken by ambulance to hospital and suffered facial injuries. I also had torn muscles in both upper arms and swollen knees.

Ian Morris

Please contact us for further help to make a claim for personal injury compensation.


I’m a security guard insured on site I was hit by a thief who knocked two teeth out, can I claim?

Ian Morris

Was the incident reported to the Police? If so, there is certainly an option to pursue a claim to the criminal injury compensation authority and our Solicitors can assist you with this. As to whether there is potential to pursue a claim against the employer is less clear. If you believe that the employer was in any way negligent in this matter (that could be with regards to your training or you not having the appropriate equipment or measures in place to prevent such incidents etc) then it would be possible to pursue a claim against the employer.


I got injured at work and got a facial scar, the claim has been ongoing for more than 3 years, the liability has been admitted and my solicitors made me sign many documents such as schedule of losses and others, about a month ago, I also asked my solicitors when I will be able to receive my settlement and told that this is the final stage of the claim and that I should receive it shortly.

My question is when I should be expecting my settlement, and if I should demand a date from my solicitors? They are due to receive 25% of the claim, and it is a 5 figure claim.

Ian Morris

Your Solicitors would be unable to provide a specific date, but they should be able to give some pretty clear guidance on the expected period to complete final settlement negotiations. Do you know if the defendant has now made an offer? The fact that your claim has taken this long indicates that the settlement is substantial and although such a period is frustrating, it is not unusual or out of the ordinary for claims with serious or permanent injuries (including scarring) to take a lengthy time to process.


I had my throat sliced by someone who I lived with, he was nicked on attempted murder and was charged with gbh with intent. I’ve got a big scar on my throat that is visible a lot.

Ian Morris

You have a right to make a claim to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) scheme for the victims of criminal injury. You can either pursue this claim directly (without representation) by completing and submitting an application form to the CICA, or our Solicitors can act for you in this on a No Win No Fee basis.


I was riding my bicycle out the driveway up road and then abruptly flew over the handlebars and landed on the road face first, breaking my jaw and pushing my jawbone UP into my ear canal, resulting in some loss of hearing from the left ear. I believe it was due to uneven road surfaces and pot hole that hadn’t been fixed. What can I claim? Am I eligible to compensation payout?

Ian Morris

Did you report the incident at the time? Did an Ambulance attend the scene?

If the pothole is still in situ, it is vital that you obtain some detailed images of the hazard that caused your accident (with measurements of the depth and width) and then email us for further help at justice@direct2compensation.co.uk so that we can assist you. Examples of helpful photographs can be seen here.

You do have up to 3 years to make a claim, so it would appear that you have around 12 months remaining available to do so.


I work in a bank and yesterday I was putting a big coin trolley into a dumbwaiter lift. I opened the door of the lift and the floor hadn’t come up all the way which I didn’t notice. I pushed the trolley in and the trolley went down and pulled me with it. I hit my head (underneath my eyebrow above my eyeball area) and was injured. My eye was swell up I had a bruise above my eyebrow. My whole eyebrow side was swollen and red and bruised. My glasses were on the floor. I instantly got a bad headache, couldn’t open my eyes, ringing noise in my ear, blurry vision. Afterwards felt nausea. Called 111 and went hospital for 4 hours. They checked everything and said I’m fine and it’s a normal head injury. Would I have a claim?

Ian Morris

Although you may have avoided more serious injuries, it would appear that you have a valid claim. In this case, the lift has failed to work properly and as such, the lift owners (whether that be the employer or the owner of the building in which you work) will need to demonstrate that they have an up to date maintenance regime in place with the lift.

We would be very happy to help you start your claim for compensation, so please get in to contact – either via our website or by calling us on 01225430285.

You may well find that you notice the development of some symptoms commonly associated with a head injury in the days and weeks after the incident. These include neck pain (from the jolting of the neck when the head is impacted), ongoing headaches, fatigue, nausea or dizziness. Should you notice such symptoms, make sure that they are reported to your GP in order that your medical records can be updated. This will not only ensure that your health is appropriately monitored, but that there is medical evidence available to support any claim should you opt to pursue your right to claim compensation for your injuries.


I am a teaching assistant working with reception class. I was accidentally headbutted from underneath by a child and I have since been to numerous dental appointments due to pain in my front teeth. I have a large crack high up on one of my teeth and potential nerve damage on the other. I am having to have 2 weekly review and possibly may have to have further treatment possibly an implant. As the school is covered by the local authority where would I stand on a claim?

Ian Morris

The key issue to look at is whether the incident in which you were injured could reasonably have been avoided should the employer have taken action to prevent such an incident – or if they failed to take reasonable action that they should have taken to prevent the incident.

Do you feel that there was anything your employer could have done but didn’t, or did do that they shouldn’t, that contributed to your injury?


Regarding a head injury, up to how much is such a claim worth? I have swelling to the forehead and bruising, painful headaches and i’m left with a bumped scar. Will a defendant reject a claim early in the process if they think they not liable for it?

Ian Morris

It is impossible to assign a specific value to a claim at this stage and anyone proposing to do so may well be misleading you. What we can say is that if you are left with scarring which is visible and if your symptoms (headaches, bruising etc) persist, the value of the claim would increase.

We would certainly like to speak to you in more detail so that we can learn more about your injury, how it happened and when. We can then offer a little more guidance as to the potential value of your claim.

In terms of denying or admitting liability, a defendant will deny liability if they do not believe that they have any liabilities in the cause of the accident. However, you should not worry about this as our specialist Solicitors would not take on a claim if they felt that there was no prospect of succeeding and if a denial of liability is received, they will work to demonstrate that the denial is incorrect. Further, our No Win No Fee service means that you don’t have to worry about the costs of the claims process.


Have left minor scars from a facial steamer that had exploded into my face causing serious pain, and having the paramedics called out to help and being sent to A&E and being left with minor degree skin burns. Can I get compensation?

Ian Morris

We would like to investigate this matter for you and have our specialist Solicitors consider a burn injury claim. Where a product is defective or dangerous, it may be possible to pursue a claim against the manufacturer and vendors. It would be helpful if you still have proof of purchase and if the steamer is within the manufacturers warranty. If you have not yet reported the incident to the manufacturers, please do – but don’t send them the product until you have spoken with one of our Solicitors regarding this matter.


My friend had an accident at work where a bungee smashed him in face knocking his front teeth out can he claim from his bosses work insurance?

Ian Morris

If the cause of an injury at work can be attributed to employer negligence – inadequate training, use of inadequate equipment or dangerous working practices, an injured employee can pursue a claim for personal injury compensation.

Please call us on 01225430285 to discuss the accident and how it happened and our staff can then ascertain whether or not a claim would be viable.


I lost two good front teeth due to an infection on my palette or root canal. This isn’t my fault. I injured myself and it was dismissed.

Ian Morris

When did you suffer the injury and what happened to cause you to sustain such an injury? If you can inform us, we can advise you as to whether or not we can assist you with a claim.


Hi I was using a very old buffer in work around 6 years ago it went of when I plugged it in without turning the switch on on the handle it hit me in the face it damaged my gum I have implants it had damaged the steel rod on the implant know the 3 teeth on the implant have come out the owner of company witnessed it, can I put a claim for her to pay for them?

Ian Morris

If the injury happened 6 years ago, you are now unable to make a claim as more than 3 years have passed and you are out of limitation.


I am a delivery driver and I was at work sitting in the car when the next door business (fish and chip shop) threw hot coffee over my face leaving no visual scars but I suffered a strained neck.

Ian Morris

Essentially the injury you sustained was caused as a result of a criminal assault and any right to claim compensation would most likely be via a criminal injuries compensation authority scheme claim. However, to make such a claim you would need to have reported the incident to the police and cooperated fully with the police investigations.


Hi, on the 28 August I got an accident at work place, slip and fall on face broken 2 incisors teeth. As it night shift first Aid was then some time. And they took me home and telling me that tomorrow morning I must report work early as to take me to hospital. Then woke up early went to company. Wait till 9:00 then they took me hospital. After examination with the doctor he gave documents. Then at work they sign papers and promised to get money as soon as possible. I wasn’t given enough time to heal for pain and suffering and trauma. My supervisor pressured me to go and work at the same place where I got injured. I don’t feel well with that place where I’m injured. When I got there I become traumatised. I remember the day I fall on my face.

Ian Morris

Has your accident been recorded in an accident book at the workplace? We would like to know more about your accident and what caused you to fall and suffer injury. If you could please advise us as to what happened and how you fell, we can then offer a view as to whether or not you could pursue a claim for compensation against the employer.


Last week I was involved in an accident which resulted in cuts/swelling/bruising to my face (lip and nose area).

Caused by a faulty ramp which led to a heavy trolley flipping upside down onto my face (as it was loaded up). I had to attend A&E for stitches.

This happened in a DIY Store.

Ian Morris

As the ramp in question was faulty, it would appear that you have a valid claim for compensation. Your claim against the DIY store can be pursued on a No Win No Fee basis

To pursue your claim, please call us on 01225430285 or request that we call you.


I work in a store and while working, a customer hit me in the face for no reason. In connection with the incident, I was ordered by doctor to take sick leave. The doctor treated me for facial and neck injuries and has also determined psychological issues.

After the incident, HR suggested to me that I can take unpaid days off or transfer to another store. I’m not happy with that. As a result, I ask to consider my current situation and a possibility of compensation for medical expenses and psychological injuries.

The store has cctv. Garda has report too but they don’t know the person. My incident form sent to Lidl risk management. No one want to take responsibility.

Ian Morris

Any person who is the victim of injuries as a result of a criminal assault within the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland) has a right to make a claim via the criminal injuries compensation authority (CICA). This is a tax payer funded scheme and anyone who has reported an assault to the Police and cooperated fully with the Police by giving statements and pressing charges if applicable, has a right to make such a claim.

Loss of income is only recoverable if you are off work for more than 28 weeks.


I fell walking into a walk in cooler at work. I tripped on the step going in while carrying a pan. My face ended up hitting a metal rack and bouncing off and hitting it again causing a contusion on my forehead, fractured my nose, and bad bruising on the muscles surrounding my shoulder and collar bone.

Ian Morris

Has your employer provided a warning sign or clear hazard markers (such as yellow and black marking tape) on the step at the entrance to the walk in cooler? If they have failed to indicate that there is a possible tripping hazard you could potentially have a valid claim for accident at work compensation.

If you think that your employer has been negligent in anyway with regards to your accident at work, please call us on 01225430285.


There are no signs or markings at all around the cooler.


I slipped on a curb, it’s a new road and there is tarmac not properly down – smashed my face and hand and hurt my leg, can I claim as I will be off work?

Ian Morris

Do you have any photographs of the accident site? If you could email some to us we can review them and then call you to discuss your situation and possible claim in greater detail.

Chat with us for friendly, expert advice 01225 430285