Compensation claims for stress at work

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For us to investigate a claim for work-related stress, you need to be able to answer “yes” to the following:

  1. Did your stress symptoms start within the last 3 years?
  2. Is your employer aware you are suffering work-related stress?
  3. Have you seen your GP about it?

If this is the case, then please download and return our

Please note we cannot handle stress claims for Scotland or Northern Ireland residents.

If you also have a physical injury, we can help straight away –

Certain jobs can place heavy burdens of stress on an employee. Some are inherently stressful, such as high-pressure roles in the emergency services, but even relatively easy jobs have their moments.

In the eyes of many people, stress itself is a ‘nothing’ illness and simply a convenient excuse to avoid work. However, the health problems caused by severe stress (such as anxiety, fatigue, lack of sleep, nausea, weight loss and loss of appetite) can be debilitating and have serious consequences. Further connections are seen with work-related depression and other psychological illnesses, all of which can have a factor in compensation settlements.

Here we look at whether you can hold your employer responsible for mental distress and make a personal injury claim for stress at work.

Employer responsibilities to reduce stress

All employers have a duty of care towards the health of their staff, which includes the prevention of stress-related illnesses. They must ensure that as much assistance, training, support and guidance is offered to staff as possible, so that stress at work can be avoided. If they don’t, they may be sued for causing unnecessary stress to an employee.

In most cases, the employer is first placed on notice of concerns about potential damage to the health of an employee, as a result of the working conditions that the employee is being placed under. This gives the employer an opportunity to make alterations to the working conditions so that the cause of stress can be removed.

If an employer has been made aware of the problems, but has failed to take any action to reduce the risks to their employees’ health, they are likely to be liable for the stress-related illness suffered by an employee, should they pursue a claim for compensation.

Can you claim compensation for stress at work?

If stress has left you unable to work, you may be wondering how to cope with a loss of wages and perhaps whether claiming compensation is an option.

The short answer to this question is yes, you have a right to claim for an injury at work that wasn’t your fault, including stress. More precisely, for the health problems it causes. However, you can only do so if the stress-related illness is severe enough to warrant making a claim and a medical diagnosis has been made.

There’s no black and white definition of what constitutes stressful work, as we’re all affected differently in a variety of situations. It boils down to ‘what is a personal injury‘ and an understanding of the same. Psychological health is treated the same as physical health, and therefore damage to your psychological well-being through stress is, in effect, a personal injury.

If a genuine stress-related illness, caused by the conditions under which an employer has made you work, could be described as a personal injury, and if it can be shown that your stress is down to employer negligence, you have a very good chance of successfully claiming personal injury compensation. To find out more about what’s involved, I’d recommend reading our ultimate guide to claiming accident at work compensation.

Please note that although we can assist with claims for all regions of the United Kingdom, we cannot assist with work related stress compensation claims for people employed in Scotland.

Workplace stress claim payouts

Claims for work related stress compensation fall within the personal injury remit and can be pursued on a No Win No Fee basis.  However, as this is a very specialist niche area within personal injury and as such claims are notoriously difficult to pursue and succeed with, a claimant will face a deduction from settlement of up to 35% of any awarded damages if successful (inclusive of VAT).  Whilst the deduction may fall below the maximum of 35%, claimants can rest assured that any deduction from a successful stress at work compensation claim settlement will never exceed 35%.

Causes of stress-related illness

Typical working conditions that can lead to stress-related illness are:

  • Bullying and harassment. This is defined by the government as behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or offended. This can include unfair treatment, being picked on, undermined or blocked for progression, whether face-to-face, by letter, email or phone. Similarly, abuse, threats or excessive demands will lead to a stressful environment.
  • Lack of support. If an employee is not given adequate support, assistance or guidance, they may well lack confidence, feel overwhelmed and under too much pressure.
  • Workload. There is only so much work that any one person can undertake. If an employer is placing unrealistic demands on an employee, forcing them to work long hours, for example, stress-related illness is a likely outcome.
  • Denial of employee rights. The rights of workers in the United Kingdom are enshrined in law, such as the right to rest periods, breaks and annual leave. If an employer denies these rights to their workers, they can be stressed and have low morale.

How to report stress at work

Employees have rights when they are injured physically or psychologically at work. For many people suffering stress at work, sorting out the situation informally would be the first step. If this isn’t possible, you can talk with your manager, HR department or trade union. If that doesn’t work, you can make a formal complaint to your employer. And if that doesn’t work, you should get some expert advice to see if you can take legal action and claim compensation – download and return our stress at work questionnaire to see if you have a valid claim.


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Comments & Questions

Read on for questions and advice about claiming, plus stress at work claim examples...

Hi Ian I have worked for my company for 5 years but the past 2 years there has been new mangers and they have been stressing me out to the point where I feel so anxious to go to work which has been making me sick and crying all the time. They just dont leave me alone no matter what I do, the doctors have actually signed me off for stress and anxiety as my mental state is not to good. Is there anything I can do about this?

Ian Morris

If you have placed your employer on notice of your stress and anxiety in writing and they have taken no action (even to review your workload etc), you could then look at making a claim for work related stress compensation.

If you would like to find out whether or not you can make a claim for the work related stress and anxiety, please email us at to request an initial questionnaire. Once you’ve returned a completed questionnaire, we can pass that to our specialist in order that they can consider your situation and advise you directly.

I have been off sick with stress for over a month, and I have attended meetings at work during this time, and there has been no compromise to my problems on their side. I simply have to do what they say, I decided to try and return to work to see how things would go. My doctor suggested a phased return, my boss has since asked for permission to speak to my doctor about my condition.
Am I entitled to sue them?

Ian Morris

If you would like to find out whether or not you can make a claim against your employer for the work related stress you have suffered, we’ll need you to complete and return our initial questionnaire. You can request the questionnaire from us by emailing:

Once we have your completed questionnaire, we’ll hand the details to our specialist who will review the information and then contact you directly to advise you on this matter.

It could be too early in this process for a claim for the stress to be valid. The initial steps you are taking are correct in that you have taken a formal grievance out. This should enable the employer to appropriately discipline the individual concerned and therefore resolve the issue going forward. However, if the grievance does not resolve things and your anxiety and stress remains present, make sure your employer is aware in writing and then contact us to further investigate whether or not a claim for work related stress can proceed further.

A one off incident is unlikely to be seen as bullying. However, if it is a regular occurrence, then it could be seen in a different light. This matter would need to be advised on by a specialist in employment law and would not be a matter for a personal injury specialist such as ourselves.

You may have a valid claim for work related stress compensation. We can assist you in further investigating whether or not you can take such action. Please email us at to request a work related stress questionnaire to complete and return to us. When we receive your completed questionnaire, we’ll hand the information to the specialist Solicitor that we work with in such matters. They will then review the information and contact you directly to advise you as to whether or not you can make a claim.

Hello I am reaching out to you for an advice. I have been working for an agricultural company for the past 2 and half yrs. I have been in a stressful environment due to a couple of coworkers. They have made me feel uncomfortable. Have been ignoring me and at time I received rude comments from them. Forced to listen to a Christian station everyday because they would not allow me to change the station. Because they are both Christian and that’s all they want to listen to. I have been there working on weekends with no help from anyone, working 10 hours a day with no help from anyone to cover my breaks. Because my coworker only work Monday through Friday when the schedule is up on the board that says Monday through Saturday and Sunday. Out of the entire company they are the only two that won’t work or help. I have been in a lot of stress because of the I have gotten sick I’ve have anxiety and starting to feel depressed, I have not been to work in two weeks. I have sat down with HR and mention all of this. They have offered me to lay me off so I can seek treatment. The coworkers that have stressed me also got into my personal draw where I kept my personal things without my permission. I didn’t no about that until HR notified me. I need advice in what to do.

Ian Morris

To investigate whether or not you can make a claim for work related stress compensation, please email us to request a work related stress questionnaire to complete and return. With the information you would provide on that, we would be able to have our specialist expert Solicitor review the details and then contact you directly to advise you as to whether or not you can make a claim.

You may also wish to make separate investigations regarding your rights under employment law. You should make contact with a specialist Solicitor working in that sector for advice. We are not experts in employment law so can’t advise you, but it would appear that you are being managed illegally regarding the lack of breaks and working hours.

We are not experts in employment law, so would recommend that you speak with a suitable expert to get the qualified advice that you need.

However, probationary periods do afford employers plenty of freedom with regards to whether or not they would retain your services. Given your usual clean bill of health, why not speak with your new employers to discuss your health with them. Perhaps if they understand that this is a rarity and an unfortunate coincidence with regards to a flare up when you start a new job, they may take a more supportive view and afford you the chance to prove your reliability?

In a situation such as yours, it may be a good idea to speak with the Citizens Advice Bureau for advice?

It would appear that your Boss is breaking regulations and quite possibly the law in her actions and treatment of staff. You do have legal rights – all employees in the UK are afforded rights and employers must adhere to the provision of such rights. Your case needs to be discussed with an employment law Solicitor rather than a personal injury expert. Whilst you are unhappy, you have not been injured. You may however, have rights under employment law to do something about this situation.

Rather than being a matter of personal injury – even though you have been caused depression and ill health as a result of this incident – our initial view is that this matter would fall under employment law. If your employer has not acted correctly in their management of your employment and failed to correctly investigate any allegations made against you, you may be entitled to look further in to claiming under employment law. We would recommend that you make contact with an employment law expert.

Nursing work is known to be hard, demanding and tiring. However, all employees are legally entitled to breaks and periods of rest. If your employer is not providing you with your legally provided breaks, you should take out a formal grievance against them and report your concerns in writing to them.

If you believe that your employer has acted negligently towards you and caused you to suffer ill health, you can make a claim against them. To find out whether or not the situation you describe will allow you to pursue a claim for compensation, please complete and return one of our initial questionnaires. When we receive that back from you, we can hand it to our work related stress specialist and he will then contact you to advise you further.
You can request one of our questionnaires by emailing us at:

The issues you cite would indicate that this situation needs to be re-addressed to an employment law Solicitor rather than a personal injury Solicitor. Employers are able to terminate the employment of employees if they are unfit to work – but only if they follow due process and act in accordance with employment law. In your case, you need to discuss this with an employment law Solicitor to find out whether or not your employer has acted legitimately.

We would recommend that you discuss the situation mentioned here with an employment law Solicitor as it is always wise to seek advice from the right kind of expert specialist.

Any person injured in an accident at work or due to the negligence of an employer – including stress related injuries or illnesses – can make a claim for compensation against their employer. A claim will only succeed should a claimant be able to demonstrate that an employer has been negligent and if their injury is of a sufficient severity.

The case you describe is rather unusual. Quite how work related stress could cause the kind of incident you describe is hard to understand. However, whilst such an incident would be painful and traumatic for the individual, my initial view is that a claimant would struggle to prove a causal link between the ‘injury’ you describe and the workload placed upon them. Therefore, I don’t feel that this would be a claim that a Solicitor would be overly keen to pursue.

I have query, I was wrongly accused of something at work, suspended and taken through the disciplinary process I was suspended for 10 weeks no contact with work etc just left to be stressed the whole process was a complete cock up nether the less I was innocent all the time. I’ve spent 20years with this company to be bullied by a new store manager and colleagues who falsely stitched me up, I now feel that there are long term health issues relating to this is there a way to compensate me for this?

Ian Morris

Have you attempted to address this situation with your employer in writing? Before you could make a claim for any stress related illness caused, you would have needed to have informed the employer of your situation and perhaps taken a formal grievance about the way that they handled the investigation in to the accusation made against you.

Whilst the suspension you were subjected too would most certainly have been distressing, the employer is likely to have acted lawfully in ensuring that they properly investigated any allegation against you.

Hi, i have a question about where I stand legally please. I’m a manager in a local business, well in name anyway.
I have never received terms of reference or a full contract, and my pay does not reflect my role, being paid just over minimum wage.

In the past 3 months my parent passed away, then I was struck down with a serious illness. One of my bosses was spreading rumours in the office questioning the viability of my illness, when I called to question them I got screamed at down the phone. I have since received a message calling me a hypochondriac, even though I could produce a doctors note. I now feel that I will be pushed out on my return to work. I have never received a warning, but unfortunately due to events in the last 3 months I have fallen out of favour with one of the managers.

Would this warrant an unfair treatment, or intimately an unfair dismissal case if they push me out?

Ian Morris

The scenario you describe needs to be discussed with a specialist in employment law as you need advice from someone who is an expert in that area of the law and not personal injury.

I am suffering from work related trauma anxiety what happened was a freak accident that no one could have foreseen due to outside factors. I carried on working and was given 1 day off fully paid and 3 sessions of councilling I requested more but did not receive any.they put more and more pressure on me at work I ended of going off sick with severe anxiety.During that time I did not receive any calls to see how I was or support I did not receive a return to work to see what I needed on return. When I did tell them what I needed I was told it wasn’t practical and felt the only thing I could do was demote myself and just come I doing another job.the incident itself happened last year but my anxiety was crippling I felt I couldn’t have a claim,do I?

Ian Morris

To find out whether or not you can proceed with a claim for the stress and anxiety you are suffering, you’ll need to speak with a specialist in such claims. We work with one such specialist and we can link you with him to discuss this. Please email us at to request a work related stress questionnaire to complete and return. When we get your completed form back, we’ll pass the details to our specialist to review and he’ll contact you directly to advise you further on this matter.

As you were freelance, you would be responsible for your own health and safety at work.

Have you tried making a claim for work related stress and stress related injuries from your employer?

You can find out whether or not you can make a claim by completing our initial questionnaire and returning it to us so that our specialist expert can review your details and then contact you directly to advise you. You can request a questionnaire from us by emailing:

I have worked for the same employer for 9 years, I had a TIA at work in 2015 through stress and long hours, an unblemished record for those 9 years, I have been subjected to an unfounded investigation and allegation last month which concluded on Friday by letter saying the allegation was unfounded and no further action will be taken, this has absolutely consumed me for the 4 weeks the investigation took place. Yesterday I was admitted to the stroke unit, could this be the release of my stress and anxiety over the allegation being unfounded? I will be off work for an undetermined time recovering and may not work again, my employer knew I must not be placed under stress. I am a diabetic and a full time carer for my wife outside of work. I am 63. Can I make a claim?

Ian Morris

The employer is likely to have acted lawfully when conducting an investigation in to an allegation made against you. Whether that allegation was malicious or not, the employer must act on it. That they have since concluded that it was without merit and unfounded is clearly a good thing.

However, whether or not you can make a claim against the employer for the stress under which you have lived in that period is unclear. We do work with a specialist in such matters and would gladly get you some advice from them. To take this matter forward and get some specialist advice, you’ll need to email us at to request an initial questionnaire to complete and return to us. Once we receive your completed questionnaire, we’ll hand this matter over to our specialist to review and he’ll contact you directly to advise you.

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