Head Injury At Work Compensation Claims

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Head injuries can have a significant impact on a person’s life, both physically and financially. Seeking compensation for head injuries is crucial in order to alleviate the financial burden, hold responsible parties accountable, and ensure that the long-term effects of the injury are properly addressed.

Here we look at what’s involved in claiming compensation following a head injury at work, and how to know if you have a valid claim.

Table of contents

What types of head injury can you claim for?

Head injury claims can be made after a variety of workplace accidents and for many different types injury. While some relate to very severe injuries involving loss of motor function or brain damage, less severe head injuries such as concussion or lacerations can still be serious and a successful claim for injury compensation can still be made.

There are several common types of head injuries, each with their own long-term effects. Concussions are one of the most common types of head injuries and occur when the brain is jolted or shaken inside the skull. While concussions are often considered mild traumatic brain injuries, they can still have long-term effects such as headaches, dizziness, memory problems, and difficulty concentrating.

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are more severe head injuries that can result in long-term cognitive, physical, and emotional impairments. TBIs can cause a range of symptoms, including difficulty with memory and thinking, changes in behaviour and mood, and physical disabilities. The long-term effects of TBIs can vary depending on the severity of the injury and the area of the brain that was affected.

Skull fractures occur when there is a break in the bone surrounding the brain. These fractures can range from minor hairline fractures to more severe fractures that require surgical intervention. The long-term effects of skull fractures can include chronic pain, cognitive impairments, and increased risk of future head injuries.

Common causes of a head injury at work include:

Any workplace that involves the use of heavy machinery or power tools, or has people working at height, presents the obvious risk of a head injury. But they can happen anywhere, including a relatively safe office. The chances of such injuries are increased should the employer fail to adequately assess risks in the workplace and adhere to a strict health and safety policy.

Are you eligible to claim for a head injury at work?

The key to being able to claim for a head injury at work is that your accident should and could have been prevented by your employer.

As with all accidents at work, you can claim for a head injury if it can be shown the accident was caused by the negligence of your employer in failing to comply with its statutory duties.

Workers are legally entitled to a safe and secure environment, must be trained properly and made aware of their obligations to work safely. Employers will be liable if they have exposed their staff to the risk of a head injury and failed to take such measures to avoid it. For example, employers must ensure the following:

  • That the working environment is safe, for example that floors are not slippery.
  • That staff are adequately qualified to use any tools or machinery that they are asked to use.
  • That faulty equipment is removed from use and only returned to active service once fully repaired.
  • That objects and stock are secure from falling.
  • That the correct PPE is provided.

Any person is entitled to claim compensation for a head injury at work in these or similar circumstances. Even if protection was in place, such as wearing a hard hat, you may still be able to claim if other areas of liability exist.

Note that a claim usually has to be made within three years of the accident, unless the injured party was under 18.

The benefits of claiming compensation

Head injuries can result in significant financial burdens for the injured person and their family. Medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and lost wages can quickly add up, leaving the injured person struggling to make ends meet. Seeking compensation can help alleviate these financial burdens and ensure that the injured person has access to the necessary medical treatment and support services.

In addition to the financial aspect, seeking compensation is also important for holding responsible parties accountable. If the head injury was caused by someone else’s negligence or intentional actions, it is important to ensure that they are held accountable for their actions. This not only provides a sense of justice for the injured person, but also helps prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Furthermore, head injuries can have long-term effects on a person’s physical and cognitive abilities. Depending on the severity of the injury, the person may experience difficulties with memory, concentration, and motor skills. These long-term effects can impact the person’s ability to work, engage in daily activities, and enjoy a good quality of life. Seeking compensation can help ensure that the injured person receives the necessary support and resources to manage these long-term effects and improve their overall well-being.

  • A successful head injury at work claim will provide a settlement that can pay for private medical treatment and rehabilitation therapies to speed and improve your recovery.
  • The settlement will include your lost income now and in the future (if you are prevented from working again because of your injuries).
  • In fatal accidents a claim will provide loved ones with some measure of compensation for their loss. In cases where the deceased is the major breadwinner or provider for a spouse or family, a loss of income claim can lead to substantial compensation.

We can help you to make a claim on a No Win No Fee basis where you will never be charged if your claim does not succeed. A successful claim will lead to a compensation settlement being made to you, with the value of the claim including any lost income and incurred costs as well as a settlement for the injuries and medical treatment that you have sustained.

How much is a head injury claim worth?

Head injury compensation levels vary according to injury severity and its long-term impact on the claimant’s life. The amounts below are a guide only and do not take into account the special damages element of a claim, just the injury itself.

Severity of Brain or Head InjuryCompensation Amount
Very severe brain damage£265k - £379k
Moderately severe brain damage£206k - £265k
Moderate brain damage£40k - £206k
Less severe brain damage£14k - £40k
Minor brain or head injury£2k - £12k
Epilepsy£10k - £141k

What you should do after a head injury at work

Employers have responsibilities after an accident at work. It is their responsibility to understand an accident and take the right measures, rather than the injured employee.

However, while your employer should have procedures for dealing with your injury, there is more you can do yourself. The following actions should be taken to give yourself the best chance of winning your compensation claim:

  1. Firstly, seek medical treatment. This could be at the scene, by attending a GP or A&E. However, you can still claim if you haven’t had treatment.
  2. The matter should be recorded in the employer’s accident book. The injuries should be described and their cause listed.
  3. Following medical treatment, explain the situation to the employer and discuss the likelihood of any return to work.

Don’t worry if you haven’t been able to do any of this yetget in touch and we’ll be able to guide you.

Remember, you have certain rights after an injury at work to help you to recover, including being able to return to work on lighter duties.

Gathering evidence and building a strong case for compensation

Building a strong case for compensation requires gathering evidence to support your claim. Here are some key pieces of evidence to collect:

  1. Collect medical records and bills: Gather all medical records related to your head injury, including doctor’s notes, test results, and treatment plans. Keep track of all medical bills and expenses related to your injury, as these will be important in calculating the financial losses you have incurred.
  2. Obtain witness statements: If there were any witnesses to the incident that caused your head injury, try to obtain their statements. Witness statements can provide valuable evidence to support your claim and establish liability.
  3. Document lost wages and other financial losses: Keep track of any time you have had to take off work due to your head injury, as well as any other financial losses you have incurred as a result of the injury. This can include costs for transportation to medical appointments, home modifications, and assistive devices.
  4. Work with your solicitor to build a strong case: Your solicitor will guide you through the process and ensure that your claim is supported by strong evidence.

Should I worry about claiming from my employer?

Making a head injury claim against your employer can be a worrying prospect. You may be concerned how it will affect the business and your job security, or that of your colleagues. Rest assured, these worries are typically unfounded.

Firstly, it’s your employer’s liability insurance that will pay any compensation, rather than the business itself.

Secondly, employers are not allowed to dismiss you or threaten you with the sack for making an accident at work claim.

Claiming for someone else

In some cases, the severity of a head injury can leave the injured person severely brain damaged and unable to care for themselves or manage their affairs without assistance and support. It is unlikely that someone in such a situation would be able to make a claim on their own and therefore may appoint someone to manage their legal affairs and protect their rights for them. This person could be a spouse, parent or other suitable next of kin such as a child or someone who has obtained a legal power of attorney over a loved one’s affairs.

Finding the right solicitor for your head injury claim

Finding the right legal representation is crucial when seeking compensation for a head injury. Here are some steps to help you find the right solicitor for your case:

  1. Research potential solicitors: Start by researching solicitors who specialise in personal injury and head injury cases. Look for those who have experience and a track record of success in handling similar cases.
  2. Consider experience and expertise: When evaluating potential solicitors, consider their experience and expertise in head injury cases. Look for solicitors who have successfully handled cases similar to yours and have a deep understanding of the medical and legal aspects of head injuries.
  3. Schedule consultations: Once you have narrowed down your list of potential solicitors, schedule consultations to meet with them in person. This will give you an opportunity to discuss your case, ask questions, and get a sense of whether they are a good fit for you.

During the consultations, ask about the solicitor’s experience with head injury cases, their success rate, and their approach to handling cases. It is also important to discuss fees and payment arrangements to ensure that you are comfortable.

How Direct2Compensation can help you

We can give you useful advice and help you to understand your rights. We have a simple and easy to understand claims process and can help you to find the right solicitor to pursue your claim.

Direct2Compensation are experts in managing claims for injuries caused in accidents at work. Over the years we have successfully assisted many claimants who have suffered a head injury. We can help you to understand whether the specifics of your accident are such that you are likely to win compensation.

We can advise you on important issues, such as helping you to make sure that the details of your accident and injuries have been properly reported and recorded with your employer, and can also give you a good understanding about how the no win no fee claims process works.

One of the first steps in making a claim is to get a medical assessment of the injury. We can arrange this for you at no cost.

Seeking compensation for head injuries is crucial in order to alleviate the financial burden, hold responsible parties accountable, and ensure that the long-term effects of the injury are properly addressed.

If you have suffered a head injury at work and want to know if you can make a claim for compensation, contact us today. You can start your claim online or , and one of our expert team will be in touch to offer help. Alternatively, call us on 01225 430285.

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Comments & Questions

Read on for questions and advice about claiming, plus work head injury claim examples...

There was a meeting held in the shop where I work on a Saturday which were usually closed, my boss opened the shop putting the steel shutter half up after meeting i went out of the shop I walked in to the shutter hitting my head and knocking my self out with a massive blow to my forehead, now left with a scar. Is my manager at fault? I feel it was an accident waiting to happen.

Ian Morris

You can certainly attempt to pursue a claim for compensation in this scenario. A Solicitor will need some photographic evidence to demonstrate that it was an ‘accident waiting to happen’, so we would recommend obtaining some photographs showing the area and ideally some photographs showing the shutter in the position it was in when you sustained your injury.


I was incarcerated 1995 and was in a work release program, while at work I was injured when a stack of roof trusses fell over and hit me in the head. I believe I have been permanently damaged and have been struggling in all areas of my life since I feel I was pressured by the work program and my employer to return to work and downplay the injuries I had.

Ian Morris

Regardless of your background and the reasons for your involvement in the work you were doing, UK health and safety at work law would still afford you the same rights to a safe working environment and the right to pursue a claim for compensation if you were injured whilst at work.

To succeed with a claim, you need to have made a report of your accident and injuries to your employer or the work release programme staff and sought medical attention. You’ll also need to pursue your claim within 3 years of the date of the incident as UK law requires that ALL claims for personal injury are made within 3 years of the date of an accident.


I had an accident at work, a disabled door shut whilst I was walking through and hit me on the side of my head causing bruising. I felt dizzy two days later, i had vertigo which caused me to stay off work for 6 weeks, after 4 weeks I was on half pay, can I claim for loses of earnings due to this shutting on me? The paper work was completed at time of injury and all accident forms were completed.

Ian Morris

Based on our initial assessment of your comment, it would appear that you have a valid claim that should be pursued.

We would be very happy to assist you on a No Win No Fee basis and if you were successful, you would be entitled to a compensation settlement for the impact that the incident had on your health for the period that you were off work and unable to live a ‘normal’ life. You would also be able to recover any loss of income or incurred costs caused by the incident too.


I was recently injured at work. Someone left an empty plastic box on the floor in the hallway near the printer, I tripped over it while retrieving work from the printer and suffered a concussion. I’m now signed off work because I have post-concussion syndrome, basically means I am suffering from headaches that can last all day and are resistant to treatment. Already starting to feel the pinch of only receiving SSP. Is there a claim here?

Ian Morris

Potentially, you could claim compensation and recover your lost income for the concussion injury you have suffered as a result of your fall at work. We would certainly like to further investigate such a claim for you.

Employers have an obligation to ensure that a workplace is as safe as possible and that the risk of injury to staff & visitors is minimised so far as possible. This obligation would also include an employer having to ensure that walkways were not obstructed and that tripping hazards are not left in situ.

If you would like to further discuss this matter with us and allow us to present your claim to our specialist Solicitors for detailed consideration with a view to proceeding to claim on a No Win No Fee basis, please call our team on 01225430285.


I had my head split open with a brush at work from a vulnerable adult!! I had to take time of work as I became very anxious and received medication from doctors. To this day I suffer panic attacks even though I still work there I have moved on to Nightshift as I feel I can’t leave the house through the day!! I lost earnings and returned back to work early against doctors wishes and for financial purposes and was told I would receive nothing.

Ian Morris

You may have a valid claim for accident at work compensation. Whilst the employer did not directly cause your injury as it was caused by an individual with limited capacity. However, the employer would have a responsibility to ensure that the risks posed by the vulnerable adult were properly assessed and that the appropriate mitigating steps had been taken to minimise the risk of injury in the workplace.

Our specialist Solicitors will be able to identify whether or not your employer has breached their obligations towards your health and safety at work and whether you can pursue a claim for compensation. Please call us on 01225430285 or use our website to make further contact with us.


Hi i deliver for a chinese takeaway. A company has erected scaffolding right outside door and 1 of the bars is very low and has no hazard tape on it. On my way in door i struck my head on it which resulted in an egg shaped lump on my head and headaches. Apparently im the second person to walk into it. Where do i stand ?

Ian Morris

You have a potential claim for compensation, but you’ll need to make sure that the accident is reported to the property owner and scaffolding company. It would also be very helpful to take photographs showing the lack of hazard tape and ideally, a photograph with a clear measurement as to the height of the bar that you hit. You should also seek medical attention from your GP or Hospital for the symptoms of headaches in order to get the details recorded.


I work in an office and while i was at my desk I heard a loud noise and looked up the ceiling right behind were i was sitting fell through and pieces of which landed on me hitting my head back and neck. It did hurt and I still have a head ache, i’ve filled out the incident reports but a lot of people are telling me that i should take action against my workplace because it was a safety issue and that i should also go the the e.r or my dr to get checked out to make sure there’s no serious lasting effects. I don’t know anything about workman’s comp or the work places laws or what would be the right thing to do just looking for some advice.

Ian Morris

The important thing to do is to protect your interests in order that you have a choice and options should your injuries or situation lead you to feel that you should pursue a claim.

Certainly, if you have been injured by falling masonary/plasterwork then you would have a valid claim – as long as you make sure that the incident is properly recorded (which you have done) and seek medical attention for the symptoms caused.


I had an accident on a scallop beam trawler and part of my job is to tightening swords that scrape the sea bed. We had came into the harbour, landed everything then was sorting the fishing gear before we got away. Me and my work mate was tightening swords when the 4 ton of fishing gear came down and hit and squashed my head and I now have a scar on my head, broken nose, eye socket and awaiting 2 operations. I have been off a couple of months. They are paying me weekly but I want to know if I am eligible for compensation for injuries and loss of earnings and for my operations?

Ian Morris

Although you were injured at work, it is hard to advise whether or not you have a valid claim for accident at work compensation because of the location of the accident. As you were injured at sea it could be that maritime law supersedes UK law and that could make pursuit of compensation harder. However, we would like to further investigate this for you and work to find out whether or not you can pursue a claim.


I cracked my head open at work while driving an order picking truck. I went to hospital and had my head glued. I filled in an accident form while my head was still bleeding until someone was ready to take me to hospital.
What happens if I missed something out of the report due to shock, adrenaline and maybe concussion? The thing I missed out may result in that the company was at fault.

Ian Morris

If your accident happened recently, you should make an immediate written amendment to your accident report and send the same (by email) to your employer and whoever has responsibility for accident reporting within the workplace.

Given you have hit your head on something in the workplace, it maybe possible for you to pursue a claim for compensation in this matter. Of course, to succeed with a claim you will need to be able to identify a possible area of negligence on the employers part. In this case, perhaps there was an exposed sharp metal item that should be covered with a protector or an obstruction that needs to be indicated or marked with a warning?

Please call us on 01225430285 if you would like to discuss your accident further as we can then identify whether or not you can pursue a claim for compensation.


I got hurt in the forehead at work. A cut that required stiches. I declined to go to hospital but do have headache and want to go home. Will it be covered?

Ian Morris

If you are unable to work, your employer may not pay your usual income to you as they are not obliged to. To recover your lost income you would have to make a claim for compensation against the employer which would succeed if the cause of your laceration can be attributed to employer negligence.


I hit my head in work many months ago and never went sick in fear own how it would effect my job, but after months of constant neck stiffness and pain I sought physio therapy and was inform that my neck pain is from my head trauma. I had filled in accident claim report and sought medical advice to ensure I did not have concussion. I’m just wondering can I still claim even though the incident happened about 7 months ago and I’ve just been dealing with it ever since?

Ian Morris

The fact that you were able to carry on working despite being in pain and having symptoms of neck stiffness and discomfort would not have a damaging impact on any claim for personal injury compensation here. In the UK, the law allows an injured person a maximum period of 3 years from the date of an accident in which they can pursue a claim for compensation. As your accident at work happened just 7 months ago, you are well inside this and could still pursue a claim.


Hi, I was making a delivery to a customer at work and hit my head on a low ceiling on some stairs with no warnings sign. Hurt my head, neck, back and had to go to hospital via ambulance. There was no accident book at the premises where I had the accident and it was a solicitor as well.
Can you sue the solicitor or is it my work I sue?

Ian Morris

In this case, the liability – if it were to attach – would rest with the owners of/occupiers of the property where you suffered your injury. The claim in this case would be made against the premises owners on the grounds that they had not provided a warning of a possible hazard. Whilst in hindsight, it may seem obvious that a ceiling is low, when performing the job that you were doing, the risk of the low ceiling was probably not so obvious as you would have been carrying items or moving a delivery in to the premises. Therefore, it would seem reasonable to expect the occupier to place warning signs around the stairs in question to indicate that the ceiling is low and possibly a danger.

Although there was no accident book at the premises, you could and should still record the details of the accident with your own employer in their accident book. The employer could then notify their client – the Solicitor practice to whom you were making a delivery – that you had sustained an injury on their stairs due to the low ceiling and lack of signs.

We would be very happy to further investigate a possible claim for you.


Probably something or nothing here but while at work today tidying the shop floor I banged my head on a glass shelf used for propping that’s hidden between arms of clothing. My head started to swell and suddenly became nauscious and dizzy. I have been sent home from work after completing an accident form. Just wondering if I could go further with any action or if it’s best left?

Ian Morris

It sounds like this shelf was invisible and therefore a hazard that should have not been there. In this case, I’d be hopeful that you have a valid claim for compensation.

Clearly, we need to know more to properly advise you.


Hi, I had an accident at work 3 weeks ago and I’m signed off for two weeks. I was hit on the head by the bin man, went to hospital and had to have a ct scan on my head as they thought I had a bleed. No bleed but I have concussion, still suffering with headaches after 3 weeks, have been told may last 6 weeks or longer.

Ian Morris

From what you say, I believe you have a valid claim for compensation. You have clearly suffered a serious concussion and as such, claiming compensation for this is something we would like to assist you with.


I work in a kitchen. I reported a broken fire door which had come off its bottom hinge a week ago. Nothing was done. Yesterday I went to open the door and it didn’t move I carried on walking as I thought the door was going to open and banged my head on the corner of the door. The impact made me fall to the ground and I saw stars, thought I was going to pass out and I bit the inside of my mouth. I was helped outside by a colleague to get some fresh air. Later on that evening I started to get bad headaches and dizziness. I went to my GP today who diagnosed mild concussion and advised me to stay off work for a couple of days and then to return and take it easy. I told my boss of my symptoms but he just said that he doubted that they were caused by me banging my head. He was the one who should have got the door fixed last week but didn’t.. Am I entitled to anything?

Ian Morris


We would definitely be willing to help you with a claim for compensation after your accident at work.

From what you have said, the liability against your employer is strong. You have reported a potential safety hazard, yet your employer has failed to do anything to ensure that the hazard is repaired and the workplace made safe again. Please make sure that the details of your accident are recorded within your employers accident book and don’t worry about what your boss has said of your symptoms, he is not a Doctor. If you have been to see a GP and the GP has made a diagnosis of concussion, then you have concussion. If your employer does not have an accident book, or you are unable to get to work to make an entry, simply send them an email describing what happened – and the fact that you had reported the hazard over a week ago – and ask them to place your email within their accident reporting system.

As I said, we would be very happy to take this claim forward and can link you up with one of our specialist accident at work compensation solicitor partners. In order for us to do this, we’ll need to speak with you to obtain a few more details.

We look forward to hearing from you and assisting with your claim.

Yours sincerely

Ian Morris

Chat with us for friendly, expert advice 01225 430285