Is it worth making a compensation claim?

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Most of us wouldn’t be able to cope financially if we were hurt in an accident that left us unable to earn a living. We would struggle to support our families and as a result, we may go behind on paying the mortgage or bills. Life would be extremely difficult. Claiming compensation can help in many ways.

Accident victims have many things to consider when thinking about making a claim for personal injury compensation. Besides suffering often nasty injuries and having worries about recovery, how it will affect work, child care etc, a potential claimant should also consider how much making a claim will cost, how much any settlement value will be and why they should use a solicitor.

Another issue that many potential claimants raise with us when they contact us for advice is whether or not it will all be worthwhile. “Isn’t it a lot of hassle?”, they often ask. Well, the process of claiming isn’t a hassle, but it also isn’t something one should enter in to without considering whether they wish to pursue it and can see the benefits of claiming.

Why you have to pay 25% if you win

Unfortunately, in April 2013 the Government made claiming compensation slightly less fair on the claimant than it was before. The Association of British Insurers utilised their very well-funded lobbying powers to get the government to reduce the amount of compensation claimants could receive, and to force claimants to make a contribution from any settlement they won towards their legal costs. Therefore, claimants still pay nothing of they lose but now (as a result of the LASPO Act) a winning claimant will lose up to 25% of any award made to them as this will be deducted to contribute to their legal costs.

Previously, winning claimants could address their entire costs to the losing side ON TOP of any compensation award made. The insurance industry said this was unfair and for reasons only known to themselves, the government agreed!

It’s still worth claiming

However, 75% of something is certainly more than 100% of nothing and with this in mind, if you have been injured through no fault of your own you really should still claim. Direct2Compensation are of the view that it is still very much worthwhile for an injured person to seek compensation for their injuries and losses. Many claimants not only suffer painful injuries but lose income when they can’t work. Therefore, losses can be considerable – especially when taking special damages in to account. Remember, our partner solicitors try their best to minimise any deductions to compensation and the costs of your claim as far as practically possible.

Compensation settlements will still see your claim returning a worthwhile value to you to help you to start to overcome the injuries and losses you’ve sustained.  You may also be able to obtain physiotherapy and rehabilitation services at the cost of the 3rd party if your solicitor can obtain an admission of liability.

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