Is After The Event Insurance Worth Paying For?

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Quick answer: Our view is simple: After The Event (ATE) cover is often a pointless cost burden for claimants. In the vast majority of personal injury claims, there is no need for it, especially as many people already have existing Before the Event (BTE) or Legal Expenses Insurance (LEI) cover in place. With this in mind, we don’t automatically add or recommend ATE cover. The majority of our competitors do.

What is After the Event insurance?

As the name suggests, After The Event (ATE) insurance is purchased after an event. In terms of personal injury, ATE cover may be sold to someone after their accident and when a claim begins.

Taking out an ATE insurance policy can provide further assurances on top of a standard No Win No Fee agreement. For example, by ensuring the claimant never has the personal responsibility of having to pay court or defendant fees in the unlikely event their claim did go to court.

However, a solicitor should carefully consider whether their claimant really needs that cover. Any that requires claimants to take out an ATE policy at the start of a claim may not be acting in their best interest.

In this article, we’ll look at how ATE may be used in personal injury compensation claims. Sometimes, such cover may be deemed an appropriate safety net for claimants. But do you really need to be sold ATE insurance at the outset of your claim? We’ll explain how this is often an outdated view – a pointless cost burden for claimants, and sometimes even an outright rip-off scam.

Why you now pay for ATE in personal injury claims

In the past, claimants had no need to worry about whether they needed ATE cover. This was because claimants could recover ALL costs from a defendant should they succeed with their claim. Furthermore, the No Win No Fee service guaranteed that they’d have no cost liabilities if their claim failed.

However, changes to personal injury claims in England & Wales with the LASPO Act 2012 removed the right of a successful claimant to recover the cost of ATE insurance policies. This meant that claimants would have to pay the cost of any ATE insurance from their settlement if they won. That’s in addition to contributing a percentage of their settlement towards their legal costs.

Our solicitors were against the changes in the LASPO Act, and felt it was unfair that claimants had to contribute anything from their settlement if they won. We argued that insurers should be covering the costs of the claimant when they admit liability in a claim. However, the Government sided with the insurance lobby, and the new legislation was introduced.

Why we don’t routinely recommend After the Event insurance

When the LASPO Act came in, Direct2Compensation decided that we would minimise our claimants’ financial exposure to the new rules. We identified that ATE cover was one burden they could be free of.

This is because ATE is not needed for the vast majority of personal injury claims. Most are settled out of court, and will usually unfold in one of two ways:

  • Either the claimant solicitor will reach a conclusion that the defendant’s denial is robust and the courts would not judge differently – in which case they simply close the claim and the claimant pays no fee.
  • Or the defendants realise that they cannot defend the claim, that they are liable and the courts would not find differently – in which case negotiations between the solicitor and defendants reach an agreement on claim value, and appropriate settlement will be completed.

In either scenario, ATE is not required.

As most claims don’t go to court, there is usually no benefit for a claimant to agree to an ATE policy. In almost all cases, our solicitors will not recommend that you take ATE cover at the outset of your claim. It may well be a totally pointless cost burden.

Why and when you may need ATE cover

There are certain scenarios where a solicitor may view that the benefits of ATE cover outweigh the cost burden. This is usually in cases of a higher value or more complex nature, where having suitable ATE insurance cover in place allows the solicitor to take the ‘risk’ of court proceedings for their claimant.

For example, where a defendant is steadfastly refusing to make a sensible offer to settle, a solicitor could expect a judge to rule that a higher settlement is fairly due. As such, it would be worth going to court to maximise the settlement.

Conversely, if a judge decided to rule in favour of the defendant, having ATE cover in place would mean the claimant didn’t have to pay for the court fees or the defendant’s legal costs.

It’s important to remember that if the claim does fail, the claimant should not have to pay the ATE insurance premium. It’s only paid if the claimant were to succeed with their claim. Furthermore, the cost should be deducted from the settlement rather than paid for at the start.

When should ATE insurance be purchased?

Direct2Compensation and our solicitors believe there is no need to force a claimant to take out ATE cover from the outset. If the situation changes, and such cover may be of benefit, it can always be taken out at a later stage. Therefore, whether to provide such cover is an issue our solicitors will consider carefully throughout the process. If deemed necessary, our solicitors will review this with you at the appropriate time.

You may already have ATE cover in place

Sometimes claimants already have something similar to ATE cover in place without knowing it. For example, through Before the Event (BTE) or Legal Expenses Insurance (LEI) cover.

Such cover can often be found attached to home and contents, or motor insurance. Also through trade union membership and financial products such as credit cards and loans. Where possible, you can use this instead of ATE without any further cost. Furthermore, your no claims bonus should not be affected and renewal premiums should not increase.

We will always help to identify if you have any existing cover that may be of use. Where there is no existing BTE or LEI, our solicitors can recommend a suitable ATE insurance policy for your claim. But only if they are of the view that you may benefit from such cover.

Who pays the cost of ATE insurance?

If a solicitor is of the view that ATE cover would be beneficial, it is they who will purchase it on behalf of the claimant.

The claimant only pays back the cost of ATE insurance if and when they win their claim. The cost is deducted from the settlement awarded, so claimants should never have to pay for it upfront.

How much does ATE cover cost?

There are various types of ATE cover available for different personal injury claims. A solicitor will identify what level of cover you may need depending on the claim being pursued. Premiums start at around £100, but most range from £200 to £400. Where greater cover is needed, in more complex or risky claims such as clinical negligence, for example, this can increase to thousands of pounds.

However, the cost of ATE insurance should only form a small percentage of your entire settlement value. In cases where premiums are high, the potential compensation settlement awarded is likely to be far higher as well.

We’re on your side

Our solicitors will only recommend taking out ATE cover if it’s in your best interest. In the majority of claims, where you are unlikely to lose, there is no need for ATE insurance at all.

If they take the view that ATE cover is needed, they will select the right type of cover and one that represents value for money.

We don’t see claimants as cash cows and do not agree with adding pointless cost burdens like ATE insurance to every claim just for a few quid in commission. Our ethical standpoint is clear: we’re here to ensure claimants have a voice and receive the best possible service at the best possible rate.

Justin Milne, Founder, Direct2Compensation

With Direct2Compensation, any deductions from your settlement are minimised and as such, we offer the most cost effective service for your personal injury claim.

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Comments & Questions

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I have been involved in what seems like a straight forward road traffic accident.
The 3rd party are not responding to any correspondence from my insurance so we are moving forward with legal proceedings.
How much would ATE cost? My insurance have sourced a quote for me with Legal & General but I would like other quotes.

Ian Morris

It isn’t possible to give an exact quote as we do not directly sell such policies. Our Solicitors can provide such cover for cases that they have evaluated in full and decided that such cover would be required. However, in cases such as yours ATE premiums would typically be in the range £130 – £250 or thereabouts.


I am currently in the process of suing a care home after my mother has developed bed sores.

She is looking to receive £8000 compensation but the company no win no fee want to take out an Ate costing £3200 to taken from the settlement fee plus their costs, it seems rather expensive and wondered whether she’s being overcharged?

I would appreciate any advice.

Ian Morris

It is impossible for us to say whether or not the ATE premium is excessive, but it is certainly a very high premium and should be queried. Claimants cannot recover the cost of ATE premiums on success of a claim (this changed post 1st April 2013), so if your Mother’s claim is successful, she will have to repay the premium as well as the 25% deduction. Clearly, such a fee would have a big impact on the settlement she would receive. Whilst she would pay nothing if the claim were to fail, the amount being quoted for ATE cover needs to be questioned and explained in full.


If have been made an offer of a settlement fee as the defendants have admitted liability in writing therefore I am guaranteed to have a successful case. Do you think it is necessary to agree to an ATE?

Ian Morris

Do you have a Solicitor acting for you? If so, it would certainly be wise to act on their advice and if they felt that an ATE policy was a wise move, it would be a good idea to take such cover.


So if you pay nothing if you lose, what is the point in having ATE?

Ian Morris

If a claimant doesn’t have pre-existing BTE (before the event) cover, it is important for them to put suitable ATE (after the event) cover in place. This cover protects the claimant from having to pay the costs of the defendant if they lose their claim. This cover has always been in place in claims for personal injury compensation.

It has always been the case that a claimant would not pay for the premium if ATE insurance cover was put in place by their Solicitor if they were to lose their claim. Prior to 1st April 2013, it was the case that a claimant could recover the full cost of their ATE premium from the defendant on top of and separately to their compensation settlement. However, the Government outlawed this right and claimants can no longer recover their ATE premium cost and must now pay for it from their settlement should they succeed. It remains the case that if the claim is unsuccessful, the claimant will not pay the cost of the premium – the liability for that cost would rest with the Solicitor providing the cover.


Hello I am at present making a claim for a fall i had at Eddie Stobards.I have a no win no fee claim and i have been advised to take out AGI insurance.Please can you advise me if you can do this for me and what the cost will be.

Ian Morris

We do not sell or provide any insurance policy, although our specialist Solicitors who act for our claimants can obtain such cover if it is needed by the claimant. Such policies can be provided by your Solicitor and you should liaise with them and also check whether or not you have existing cover in place.


I submitted my claim to the money claim court, one of the headings is personal injury ( I had suffered from moderate – serve anxiety & depression, and moderate – serve stress related disease – Coltis as a consequence of the defendant’s professional negligence).

The defendant filed an application to strike out my claim and they requested that application to be handled at a two hours hearing. The outcome is that I will have to revise my particulars of claim and the defendant’s application is stayed… I do not have a solicitor or barrister acting on my behalf and now have realised that I would need to cover the Defendant’s costs if I lost my claim.

As an individual, can I have the ATE policy?

Thank you

Ian Morris

You can take an ATE policy cover as an individual but you’ll need to approach a broker to obtain cover and arrange it personally. This is not something we can assist you with.


I am questioning now, if i actually needed after the event ins, as my bad fall inside Tesco store, was not going to be contested. There was CCTV, and the fall was never in question or doubted. My point is, with 25% solicitors fees and the after the event policy, i ended up, with £ 960, less, out of my £ 1969.00 compensation. It seems a bit steep to me, especially when the fall was indeed caught on camera inside Tesco store.

Ian Morris

Whether or not you needed the ATE cover is something that you may obviously consider now that you have succeeded with your claim. However the risk of not having it in place – even in a claim that seems certain to succeed – should a claim fail is why we all take the various insurance covers that we have.

All of us working as professionals within the claims sector would recommend that it is always wise to ensure that you take ATE cover if you don’t already have pre-existing LEI or BTE cover in place as we have all seen claims that we would be our mortgages on succeeding, fail in a hearing. You can never be certain and the possible costs of not having cover do not bear thinking about.


Personal injury – dog attack 17/1/2017. On 27 January I asked about ATE / LEI before signing a conditional fee agreement. This is what I was advised:

One of the reasons the cost rules changed was to try and limit the need for these policies and it seems to have worked in that respect. Personally I do not think they are necessary especially in relation to a claim such as yours but like any insurance policy it is very much down to how risk adverse an individual is, so it is a personal decision whether or not it is taken out. The costs varies depending on the cover you want. If you wish I can make some enquiries and pass you the details of some brokers who will be able to advise you further.

Fast forward – 27/7/2019 the case could proceed to court. I do feel underrepresented and mislead and quite honestly was totally relying on the legal representative’s expertise. I posed the question again about ATE – LEI on 1 July 2019 and wasn’t given a direct answer but told that I wouldn’t be liable to pay anything if the case is unsuccessful. What if it’s successful? Please advise. I do not want to be presented with a huge bill at the end of the day and furthermore following the attack I have spiralled into debt with a notice of seeking possession of the house issued a month ago.

Ian Morris

Your Solicitor is right in that if you were to lose your claim, you would bear no responsibility towards the costs of the claim (either yours or the defendants) in any way. However, as ATE insurance premium costs are non-recoverable on success (meaning you cannot force the defendant to reimburse you) in a claim, you would have to pay the cost of the cover if the claim were to succeed. It is unlikely that you would face a huge bill, as most ATE insurance premiums in matters relating to personal injury range between £150 – £300, with some going up to £450. Your Solicitor should be able to advise you of the cost of the policy that was placed on your claim.

It would appear that your claim is still looking positive though. Your Solicitor would not take the matter to court if they felt that there were no prospects of succeeding, so good luck!

J Lorraine

Thank you for clarifying this matter. I’m hoping the defendant will settle the claim beforehand. However, I agree, it’s looking positive should it proceed to court.

Ian Morris

Best of luck with your ongoing claim.

J Lorraine

I should have asked these questions previously! On a no win no claim will I be responsible for paying the solicitors disbursements, VAT and success fee? Can I request a breakdown of disbursements?
His fees are currently £10k excluding disbursements, VAT and success fee, is £10k paid by the defendant? I do not want any surprises at the end of this nightmare…
Lastly, the table of fee earners fees scheduled as part of the Conditional Fee Agreement has changed from the outset and I was not given prior written notice. All fees have increased by £50.

Ian Morris

Without knowing the details of the agreement you have signed with your Solicitor, I am assuming that it is a standard conditional fee agreement. If so, you will pay no more than 25% of your settlement towards the costs of the claim with the remaining costs (apart from any ATE premium that you may have responsibility for) being problems for others!


Hi Ian,

My Solicitor submitted my case to a barrister for guidance on the valuation of the claim. She has returned this and advised a couple more things including the assessment of a care expert. Since this, my solicitor has now advised hat we add insurance onto the claim. He says this is due to the significant amount involved. He said this will cover any costs such as the care expert in the event we arent able to claim this back? Am I missing something? It seems a bit odd that at this late stage he is now advising insurance? For clarity – the other side admitted liability right at the beginning of the claim. Thanks

Ian Morris

There is nothing untoward in what your Solicitor has advised regarding the insurance, indeed it would be wise to follow there advice. Given the admission of liability in this claim, you will succeed and it is clearly just the Solicitor being sensible and protecting your interests in advising of the additional insurance. Whilst you may pay a small sum for this cover, given the possible value increase that the assessment of car experts report could provide to your claim, it would be well worth taking this cover.


What if l do not want an ATE insurance to claim motor incident? Can l still proceed with the claim without an ATE insurance or will the solicitor refuse to take the case?

Ian Morris

You do not have to take out ATE insurance, but if your Solicitor is advising you to make sure that you are covered, it would be wise to take that advice. ATE cover simply ensures that you will not have to pay the costs of the defendant should you fail to succeed with your claim.

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